The Canadian Unitarian Council's CU*UL School Acronym/Logo Featuring Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "Picture Of An Asshole" Is "Less Than Cool" U*Us. . .

Just when Canadian Unitarian Universalist U*Us like J. McRee (Mac) Elrod thought that resigned CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett's Big Fat U*U "corporate identity" acronym/logo for the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as Unitarian Universalism, which featured Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" inserted between the two buttocks of "The U*U Movement" in order to symbolize its self-vaunted "inclusiveness", was gone for good it comes back to bite Canadian U*Us in the ass in 2012. . .

Just minutes ago I ran a Google Images search for Unitarian Universalist as a direct result of a visitor from Gainesville, Georgia arriving at The Emerson Avenger blog after running that particular Google search and, lo and behold. . . I was confronted by the logo for the Canadian Unitarian Universalist Leadership CUUL School included in the search results. It seems that Canadian Unitarian*Universalist Leadership aka CU*UL are only too happy to include Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" in their acronym/logo. Most ironically the French word for "ass" is "cul". . . so it would seem that Canadian Unitarian*Universalist Leadership Schools participants have chosen the Big Fat U*U Fate of identifying themselves as Big Fat U*U Asses in more ways than one! :-)

And so it goes U*Us. . .

The "less than cool", to say nothing of rather flaky. . .
logo of Canadian Unitarian*Universalist Leadership.
