Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler Will "Try" To Give Up Being An Ever So "Passionate" Big Fat U*U Bitch For Lent

Or at least that is pretty much what I gather from the content of her "Lenten Sermon" entitled 'Give Up' which Vicki The Impaler posted to her Peacebang blog the other day.

Here is Peacebang's Lenten "pledge" with (in)appropriate embedded hyperlinks -

"If you grew up Catholic, you will remember Lent as a 40-day period where you gave something up. Maybe dessert, or candy, or some other luxury. I am setting a challenge for myself that will be much more difficult to give up than any exterior treat: I am going to try to give up the “fiery burden” of constant passionate opinion, or at least to notice how often I feel obligated or entitled to offer mine. How often I find common cause with friends and strangers in hating the same things. I want to try to give that up for Lent. . ."

end quote

Why do Yoda's famous words,

"Try not.


Or do not. . .

There is no try."

come to mind here?
