Membership In Unitarian Universalist Congregations Declined Yet Again In 2011-2012. . .

But don't take my word for it U*Us. . .

Take the word of UU World magazine editor Christopher L. Walton aka Chris Walton aka Philocrites as published in a brand spanking new UU World article titled 'UUA membership declines for fourth year' on page 55 of the Fall 2012 issue of UU World.

Here are some of the more telling UUA membership statistics as gleaned from that article which gives the Big Fat U*U Lie to Bob Smietana's recent article in USA Today, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post which, based on highly questionable ASARB statistics pretended that Unitarian Universalism had actually grown by nearly 16% over the last decade or so when in fact aka reality nothing could be further from the Truth. . .

"Over the past decade, 22 percent of congregations have shrunk by 20 percent or more."

"Of the 1,028 local congregations in the United States (excluding the global Church of the Larger Fellow­ship), 28.4 percent grew by more than 3 percent last year. Just over one-third shrank by more than 3 percent, however, while 37.4 percent grew between –3 and 3 percent."

Can someone please explain how a Unitarian Universalist congregation can *grow* by -3 percent?

I think that is commonly known as decline not growth. . .

Clearly any growth greater than 3% that the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations experienced in 28.4% of its congregations in the U.S.A. is more than offset by the loss of members in other UUA congregations.
