UUA Clergy Misconduct Victims Are Marginalized And Denied Basic Rights Because Unitarian Universalists Fear Them. . .

At least that would seem to be the logical conclusion of UUA President Peter Morales' rather questionable words, as posted to his most recent Huffington Post Opinion Editorial entitled 'Be Not Afraid Of The Emerson Avenger'.

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robin Edgar 66 Fans 1 second ago ( 3:34 PM)

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"For example, I believe that the rejection of science and the willful denial of overwhelming evidence for global warming and biological evolution can only be understood as arising from fear. Similarly, the efforts to marginalize LGBT people and deny them basic rights is based ultimately in fear."

So, presumably it logically follows that the deeply misguided and outrageously hypocritical efforts of the UUA and individual UU "churches" to marginalize UU clergy abuse victims and deny UU clergy misconduct complainants basic rights, such as the right to appeal unsatisfactory UUA/MFC rulings that are neither just, nor equitable, nor compassionate, is based ultimately in fear. . .

Right Peter?

Or could it just be arrogance and hubris?
