Unitarian Universalism Has No Coherent Spiritual Mission To Offer In Most UUA Congregations. . .

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Take the word of Rev. Christine Robinson, the senior minister of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as posted in this comment responding to Rev. Tom Schade's 'Where I Stand' blog post about how 21st Century Unitarian Universalists "are powerful people, blinded by privilege, self-satisfied and politically inert" (not to mention legally inept. . .) and "a politically hyperactive mob of intolerant aging hippies trying to recreate the glory days of our youth."

Here is what Rev. Christine Robinson said verbatim. . .

"Besides the dysfunctions you mention in your piece that center around our understanding/misunderstanding of political theology, we suffer from having no coherent spiritual mission to offer in most of our congregations, especially in most of our lay-lead congregations. Most UU's can think of no OTHER good reason to gather than to change the world."

And here is how I responded to Rev. Robinsonson's comment -

"Most U*Us can't even do what is necessary to change the UU World for the better, let alone change the real world for the better. . .

In fact many Unitarian Universalists are responsible for causing harm in both the UU World and the real world while their fellow U*Us do little or nothing to call them to account."
