Giving Up Unitarian*Universalist U*U For Lent 2013

What better day than Mardi Gras 2013 aka Big Fat U*U Tuesday to publicly announce that The Emerson Avenger aka The U*U Enforcer is giving up use of Unitarian*Universalist aka U*U aka Big Fat U*U This, That, Or The Other Thing aka Big Fat U*U Fill In The Blank for Lent 2013. Yes, my Big Fat U*U Lenten Practice for 2013 is to give up (mis)using the Big Fat U*U Corporate Identity Acronym U*U aka "U Asterisk U" aka "U Ass-To-Risk U" that CU*UC aka "See U*U See" Executive Director Mary Bennett dreamed up almost a decade ago now which ever so U*Unilaterally inserted Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" between the two Us of Unitarian Universalism to symbolize the self-vaunted inclusiveness of what Mary and other asinine U*U eh? leaders decided to call "The U*U Movement".

Yes, as much as it is a Big Fat U*U Sacrifice for him do so, after repeatedly examining his Big Fat U*U Conscience before God, The Big Fat U*U Scourge Of The U*U World has decided to take a cue from U*U seminarian Kim Hampton who gave up Unitarian Universalism for Lent in 2012, and ever so Universalist U*U Rev. Scott Wells who gave up Unitarian Universalism for Lent in 2011, by making a Big Fat U*U Pledge to cease and desist from using Mary Bennett's Big Fat U*U Acronym on The Emerson Avenger blog or in Tweets and internet comments etc. for the full duration of Lent 2013 starting on Ash Wednesday February 13th, 2012 until Saturday, March 30th, 2013. There *is* however one little caveat to my Big Fat U*U Pledge not to use Mary Bennett's visually intriguing, and ever so useful, Big Fat U*U Acronym and that is that I will continue to display Mary Bennett's U*U on my existing picket sign slogans, including some new ones I came up with recently and have yet to display. Of course it just would be Big Fat U*U Mardi Gras if I didn't go on a Big Fat U*U Binge of posting some images of my previous uses of Mary Bennett's U*U acronym.

