UUA Show the Love Resources And Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape Most Certainly Committed By Certain Unitarian Universalist Ministers - What's The Connection?
How about this "annotated" plagU*Urized version of two sentences posted on the UUA's Show the Love Resources page?
"Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to publicly proclaim their values and take action in their communities to show their love for justice.
Now through Inauguration Day (January 20) and beyond, join in a joint response that Unitarian Universalists can answer the complex needs in our communities."
"Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to publicly proclaim their values and take action in their communities to show their love for justice.
Now through Inauguration Day (January 20) and beyond, join in a joint response that Unitarian Universalists can answer the complex needs in our communities."