CLF Senior Minister Rev. Meg Riley Viciously Kicks "Resigned" UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales And "Retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen "Kay" Montgomery In Their Big Fat U*U Balls*!

In this plagU*Urized UUA version of  a Rev. Meg Riley reflection that is posted to the Church of the Larger Fellowship's 'Quest for Meaning' blog:

“Empathy, compassion, and clear communications spring from a different kind of knowing than does parsing complex theological doctrine. Both are important…The world is a richer place when we respect the many different ways that people exhibit brilliance, and come to know what they know. May we create a world together where all ways of knowing are honored and respected.”

Read the full reflection from Rev. Meg Riley online at Quest for Meaning.

The Church of the Larger Fellowship’s spiritual theme for July is “ways of knowing.”

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "balls" is. . .
