
Showing posts from January, 2006

The Gentlemanly Art Of Spanking Peacebang?!! Check out the "beautifully put" link. . . ;-)

A Questionable Decision by the U*UFO. . . aka the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa

The Emerson Avenger Once Again Puts U*Us On The * About DIM Thinking Ministerial Fellowship Committee Complicity In Abusive U*U Clergy Misconduct. . .

An Ironic U*U Joke. . . Courtesy of the U*UFO aka the Unitarian*Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa and The Emerson Avenger. . .

Outrageously Hypocritical Ottawa U*Us "Memory Hole" The Emerson Avenger. . .

This Blog's For U*Us. . .

The Disruptive Behaviour Policy Of Bigoted Atheist Unitarian Minister Rev. Ray Drennan

My Point By Point Rebuttal Of Anonymous U*U's Complicit DIM Thinking & Sincere Ignorance

The Fraudulently Hypocritical Mission Statement of the alleged Unitarian Church of Montreal. . .

Another Warning Shot Across The Bows of the U*U Ship of Fools as captained by UUA President Bill Sinkford. . .