This Blog's For U*Us. . .
Sorry. . . I just couldn't resist that one! ;-)
The Emerson Avenger is a "memory hole" free blog where censorship is scorned. This blog will "guard the right to know" about any injustices and abuses that corrupt Unitarian Universalism. Posters may speak and argue freely, according to conscience, about any injustices and abuses, or indeed hypocrisy, that they may know about so that the Avenger, in the form of justice and redress, may come surely and swiftly. . . "Slowly, slowly the Avenger comes, but comes surely." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Anyone of moderate intelligence with a modicum of conscience can easily see that anonymous U*U is guilty of engaging in complicit U*U denial and institutional stonewalling etc. and is almost certainly a leader of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, a Canadian Unitarian Council aka CUC collaborator (hi Bert), or possibly even a Unitarian*Universalist U*U from the U*UofA. . . Anyone with eyes to see can simply look to their left to the sidebar links to earlier posts to see that I already posted a point by point rebuttal (aka a * by * reU*Ual) to this fine example of U*U BS and U*U institutional denial, U*U whitewashing and U*U stonewalling yesterday. . .
I can't believe that anonymous U*U could be so U*Uinine, aka conscientiously stupid. . . as to repost this U*U BS after I had already ripped his or her clearly incompetent and highly implausible attempt at U*U "plausible denial" to tiny little shreds in that earlier * by * re*butt*al.
I take it you are from the Unitarian Church of Montreal?
I would enjoy getting more background on this. Please email me at
Robin: I wouldn't mind a private dialog with you, either.