Oh Lucky Day! The Emerson Avenger aka The Dagger of Sweet Reason aka Robin Edgar finally makes the UU World. . .

blog at 5:06 p.m. EST? on Friday the 13th, January, 2006.

This post will evolve a bit over time. . . as will some of the others here, however there will be little or no self-censorship involved in this process in keeping with my clearly stated policy above. i.e. I will not delete any words and links in order to hide them but will add words and links as necessary or desirable. I have not censored a single post from any other human being who has posted here yet and I have no intention of doing so. The very few deleted comments were my own that contained HTML errors and they were reposted immediately after I had corrected those "missing links" as it were. . . ;-)

Unlike Rev. Charles Eddis, minister emeritus of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, I genuinely believe in genuinely following the following now quite effectively fraudulent words that Rev. Charles Eddis wrote long ago in his originally quite yellow Canadian Unitarian Council pamphlet that was originally titled 'What Unitarians Believe' (or words to that effect at least. . .) and is presently rather blue and titled 'What Unitarian Universalists Believe -

Unitarians believe first of all in truth in its supremacy and its authority. It does not need to be embalmed to be preserved for posterity. We jealously guard the right to know, to speak, and to argue freely, according to conscience, within our own church and in society at large. We are opposed to censorship, by church, state, or any other institution. We believe that truth stands the best chance of emerging under conditions of freedom.

We expect honesty of belief and integrity of convictions in each person. We do not say: "Think as you like, but say you believe." We say: "Think as you must, then say what you really believe."

Before saying anything further I would just like to sincerely thank whoever it was at the UU World who had the personal integrity, no small U*U courage ;-), and the basic human decency to post that link from the UU World blog to the latest "image tarnishing" bad news for UUs U*U world-wide, and even real world wide, that comes to the UU World and the real world as a result of the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry of several Montreal Unitarian religious leaders and the deplorable, and indeed quite reprehensible, abject failure and even remarkably obstinate refusal of Montreal Unitarians to responsibly redress the injustices and abuses that they have known about, and have been repeatedly reminded about. . . for close to a decade now. I am assuming that it was most likely UU World Senior Editor Chris Walton aka Philocrites but it was possibly also other UU World staff and, in light of the culture of censorship and suppression of criticism and dissent that currently pervades and degrades the UU World, this post may indeed have needed to be approved by some top level UUA officials.

Believe it or not. . . it was just minutes ago, while I was in the process of adding a few more pertinent links to the post below, about the apparent public lying and definitely misleading hypocrisy on the part of UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford, that I ran a Google search on -

"Robin Edgar" and Unitarian lies

The number one result for the above Google search was a link to this post on the UU World blog that I was previously quite blissfully unaware of. . . For the time being that means if any UUs in the UU World, or any other human beings in the real world enter the term - "Robin Edgar" and Unitarian lies - into the Google search term window and then click their mouse on the I'm Feeling Lucky button it will go directly to the UU World blog. It is kind opf ironic that in this case there is actually some basic factual truth to what Unitarians are saying about one Robin Edgar although the West Island Chronicle article that the UU World blog links to does contain some misleading half truths, "spin", misinformation, and possible outright lies from both Rev. Peter Boulatta (or is it Rev. Peter Boullatta?), the current interim minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, and Commander Angers of the Montreal Police Department's Station 11. As is often the case with journalism these days the West Island Chronicle also contains a few misleading errors or omissions couresy of the reporter and editor who none-the-less did a reasonably good job of reporting the story in terms of the space allotted to it. Nothing that a letter to the editor and posts to the internet cannot correct.
