Some U*U Foot-In-Mouth Disease courtesy of. . . UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford

I found this very recent stunningly hypocritical and outright fraudulent propaganda about the U*U *position* on civil liberties on the U*U World web sight. . .

Dare I say that it is full of * ? ;-)

"Unitarian Universalists have always honored our commitment to uphold civil liberties," said the Rev. William G. Sinkford, the Association’s president. Protecting the freedoms that are at the heart of our democracy is for us a religious, as well as a civic, duty."

In the process of creating this first post which directly exposes outright lying and, quite frankly. . . outrageous hypocrisy on the part of UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford I came up with a brand spanking new Robin Edgar bon mot which applies to him and other like-minded politicians and religious leaders - "

Going for the Juggler. . .

Google has informed me that others got there first. Not surprising really. . . but in the often censored and suppressed parlance of The Emerson Avenger it will mean exposing and denouncing the misleading half-truths, outright lies and outrageous hypocrisy of top level politicians and religious leaders including, but by no means limited to. . . any readily demonstrable lies and hypocrisy spouted by current UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford.
