Historic Photos Of The Emerson Avenger's Public Protest Against U*U Minister Rev. Ray Drennan's Anti-Catholic 'Wrong Message'. . .
Two historic photos from the fall of 2000 of Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger publicly protesting against former minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-Catholic, and indeed more broadly anti-religious. . . ironically but appropriately headlined 'Wrong Message' Opinion editorial in the October 9, 2000 Montreal Gazette that intolerantly and offensively attacked the Roman Catholic state funeral of former Canadian Prime Minister, and genuinely liberal Roman Catholic, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, thus further publicly tarnishing the already significantly tarnished image of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal. . .
The Emerson Avenger, aka Robin Edgar, still displays these historic picket sign slogans, indeed these exact same picket signs. . . within the context of protesting against the stunningly hypocritical attempts by Montreal Unitarians to misuse and abuse the Canadian Criminal Code, and abrogated or otherwise inappropriate Montreal municipal bylaws, in their deeply misguided, but fortunately all but totally futile. . . efforts to completely censor and suppress Robin Edgar's ongoing peaceful public protest against various U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy by very cynically, and quite unjustifiably, attempting to criminalize his peaceful public protest and dissent in order to obtain a court injunction that would order an end to The Emerson Avenger's perfectly legitimate public protest against diverse Unitarian Universalist aka U*U. . . injustices, abuses and outrageous hypocrisy.