A Questionable Decision by the U*UFO. . . aka the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa

Questionable decision by U*UFO to "memory hole" The Emerson Avenger. . . ;-)

Allah prochaine,

The Dagger of Sweet Reason


P.S. Ottawa is an easy target of opportunity for picketing, or other forms of protest activity, on any given Sunday that I choose to do so. . . As a matter of fact I already have plenty of good reason to protest U*U injustices and U*U hypocrisy in Ottawa. Winterlude is coming up soon I believe. I quite enjoy skating all over U*U thin ice. . .

How does a picket sign slogan saying -


Or how about -


Or. . .


I DON'T. . .

Or. . .



Anonymous said…
The withdrawal of Mr. Edgar’s membership from the Unitarian Church of Montreal was not motivated by his religious beliefs, but by his disruptive and aggressive behavior towards the members of this congregation. His inappropriate behaviour has continued for more than ten years. Seven years ago he was brought before a Disruptive Behavior Committee, where over the next three years attempts were made to have him moderate his unacceptable behaviours. He would agree to proposed solutions and then go on as before. He was repeatedly warned that failure to comply with what he had agreed to do would result in serious consequences. Over this period, he was suspended from participation in Church life for six months. Unfortunately, upon his return his behaviour worsened , and he was suspended for an additional year. Again when he returned, his inappropriate behavior continued. Finally in November 1999, at a meeting of the full congregation, during which he spoke on his own behalf, a congregational vote was taken and his membership was revoked. This decade long process, during which sincere attempts were made by the congregation to negotiate a solution, ended when it became that he had no intention of ceasing his disruptive and aggressive behaviours. It should be noted that Reverend Ray Drennan did apologise, in person, on more than one occasion. However, this did not meet with Mr Edgar’s satisfaction. Mr. Edgar has redressed his grievances to whomever he has saw fit, be it the UAA, CUC, etc., and his complaint to the Quebec Human Rights Commission in 2002 was summarily dismissed as being without merit. Mr Edgar continues to picket the church in the futile belief that the Church will act. Reverend Drennan is no longer the minister as he left to follow his own life’s journey; and the church has simply moved on.
crallspace said…
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crallspace said…
I may read up more on your experiences later.

I'm sorry the UU church rejected you for a Divine Revelation, if that is the case... however, if you really were aggressive toward members of the church for years as the anonymous poster copied and pasted, I say shame! The Unitarian faith is that of a safe, open look at all of us in this web of existence! If your experience differed, I am sorry to hear that, and shame on THEM.
Robin Edgar said…
:I may read up more on your experiences later.

Please do. You will find it both educational and quite entertaining.

:I'm sorry the UU church rejected you for a Divine Revelation, if that is the case...

That is pretty much the case. . .

:however, if you really were aggressive toward members of the church for years as the anonymous poster copied and pasted, I say shame!

As I said in my point-by-point rebuttal my alleged "disruptive behaviour" initially consisted of calmly and peacefully distributing letters of grievance to congregation members after Sunday services were over. It was only after I was unjustly expelled for six months in 1997 for distributing letters of grievance and faced with the refusal of the congregation to responsibly act on my grievances that I began my peaceful public protest outside the Unitarian Church of Montreal in the spring of 1998. One need only read the picket sign slogan in the Mirror article picture to see that my slogans were quite moderate to begin with. It was only after the church unjustly extended my expulsion and allowed church members to insult me and physically assault me with complete impunity that I escalated the slogans on my picket signs.

:The Unitarian faith is that of a safe, open look at all of us in this web of existence!

That's what it claims and that is one of the reasons that I joined. I am very much aligned with the Unitarian faith in terms of what it claims to be on paper. Quite regrettably many U*Us have engaged in various kinds of behaviou that makes a complete mockery of what U*Uism claims to be in its now quite evidently meaningless and even outright fraudulent propaganda. . .

:If your experience differed,

It most certainly did. . .

:I am sorry to hear that, and shame on THEM.

Thanks crallspace. Although some U*Us have expressed some moderate concern that the Unitarian Church of Montreal and UUA officials etc. *might* have made some serious errors very few have ever expressed any outright condemnation of Montreal U*Us or the UUA and its negligent and complicit Ministerial Fellowship Committee. Free to browse the Emerson Avenger blog at your leisure and give some thought to what is revealed in it. Feel free to enter into a free and genuinely responsible search for the truth and meaning behind my protest activities. I am fully confident that you will come to agree that the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the UUA etc. fully deserve any "image tarnishing" shame that they have been subjected to as a result of my public protest activities and online Unitarian Jihad. . .

Allah prochaine,

The Dagger of Sweet Reason

Robin Edgar said…
Hi again crallspace,

I see that you exercised a bit of self-censorship above. As it happens I received the content of your self-censored post via email. I will take the first sentence as a compliment. I am a real pain in the ass to people who thoroghly deserve it. . .

You asked - Why would you do this at a UU church of all places?

Simply because it has done things that justify taking such action. . .