Unitarian Universalist Classism Sucks U*U

I am not going to go into a big long spiel about the classism, to say nothing of the misplaced snobbish elitism. . . that is quite rampant in the Unitarian Universalist religious community. I have said a thing or two about Unitarian*Universalist classism in the past and a certain number of U*U bloggers have blogged about the "sin" of U*U classism as well. I will simply direct readers to the most recent blog post about U*U classism en*titled 'Classism in my Beloved Community' on the Syracusan in Seattle blog of Christine Leigh and cross-post the comment I just posted to it below -

Robin Edgar said...

Hmmmm. . .

Maybe I will add a picket sign slogan saying -


to the arse*nal of picket signs that I display infront of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.

Interestingly enough the Unitarian Church of Montreal has been trying to recruit "fresh blood" from Montreal universities such as Concordia and McGill for years now. Recently they adopted an interesting recruiting tactic which consisted of offering completely free entry to classical concerts held in the church sanctuary which normally cost $20 for adults. . .

February 8, 2011 11:15 AM


Mayo said…
I have been a Unitarian, or so I thought for around three to four years. After a horrific introduction to the christian faith, UU seemed the best moral avenue. I am in Kansas City, and have a family that is bi racial which was a golden ticket into this ridiculous church at least until they realized we were not affluent.....I have never been around so many classicist, specifically racist people in my life....thank you for posting this because for awhile there, I thought I was being very harsh and judgmental.
Robin Edgar said…
Dare I say,

"You're welcome."

Cody? ;-)

You were probably just being honest. . .