U*U Clergy Sexual Misconduct And Synchronicity - What's The Interconnnection On The Interconnected Web Of The World Wide Web?
What are the Big Fat U*U Odds here U*Us?
Serendipitously enough, indeed strangely enough. . .
I actually mentioned Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct, along with that of Rev. Calvin Dame, former UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford, and some other unmentionable U*U ministers. . . in a U*UTube video that I made this morning while standing of the side of love for all victims of U*U clergy misconduct (be that misconduct sexual in nature or not) displaying a variety of (in)appropriate picket signs during my "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against diverse U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisies in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. So it was something of a rather unusual "meaningful coincidence" aka synchronicity to just now discover from my web stats that someone from Fort Worth, Texas, had visited The Emerson Avenger blog at about the same time that I was briefly talking about Rev. Forrest Church this morning as a result of running a Google search for -
"forrest church" sexual misconduct
which inter*connected them with The Emerson Avenger blog post titled -
The U*U Jihad Navy Acquires The USS Manhattan Because Everybody Knows That Rev. Dr. Forrest Church Of All U*U Souls Church In New York Is. . .
But for me anyway, the strangest aspect of today's Big Fat U*U Synchronicity is that in my U*UTube video, which I fully intend to upload to YouTube and post here down the road a bit, I stated that I did not know all the details of Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct, yet the very same Google search which led a Texan from Fort *Worth* to visit this blog, *also* provided a new link to the October 14, 1991 issue of New York magazine which includes an in-depth article about Rev. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct by Rusty Unger *entitled* -
Church of the Heavenly Unrest
I highly recommend that anyone interested in engaging in a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct in general, and Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct in particular, should read that revealing New York magazine article.
Serendipitously enough, indeed strangely enough. . .
I actually mentioned Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct, along with that of Rev. Calvin Dame, former UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford, and some other unmentionable U*U ministers. . . in a U*UTube video that I made this morning while standing of the side of love for all victims of U*U clergy misconduct (be that misconduct sexual in nature or not) displaying a variety of (in)appropriate picket signs during my "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against diverse U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisies in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. So it was something of a rather unusual "meaningful coincidence" aka synchronicity to just now discover from my web stats that someone from Fort Worth, Texas, had visited The Emerson Avenger blog at about the same time that I was briefly talking about Rev. Forrest Church this morning as a result of running a Google search for -
"forrest church" sexual misconduct
which inter*connected them with The Emerson Avenger blog post titled -
The U*U Jihad Navy Acquires The USS Manhattan Because Everybody Knows That Rev. Dr. Forrest Church Of All U*U Souls Church In New York Is. . .
But for me anyway, the strangest aspect of today's Big Fat U*U Synchronicity is that in my U*UTube video, which I fully intend to upload to YouTube and post here down the road a bit, I stated that I did not know all the details of Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct, yet the very same Google search which led a Texan from Fort *Worth* to visit this blog, *also* provided a new link to the October 14, 1991 issue of New York magazine which includes an in-depth article about Rev. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct by Rusty Unger *entitled* -
Church of the Heavenly Unrest
I highly recommend that anyone interested in engaging in a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct in general, and Rev. Dr. Forrest Church's clergy sexual misconduct in particular, should read that revealing New York magazine article.