Another SPVM Police Officer Misuses & Abuses His Authority On Behalf Of The Unitarian Church Of Montreal aka The Church Of The Tarnished Image. . .

Unnecessary and unprofessional police interventions in my peaceful public protest outside of the so-called Unitarian Church Of Montreal by officers of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal aka SPVM don't get much more ridiculous than the police intervention which took place last Sunday morning. . . As I was engaged in what UU clergy misconduct expert Rev. Deborah Pope-Lance once insightfully called my "alternative spiritual practice", and another UU minister much more recently described as my "prophetic work", of publicly protesting against Unitarian Universalist anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, all forms of UU clergy abuse aka clergy misconduct, and a variety of other UU injustices and abuses in front of this alleged Unitarian Church a male Montreal police officer from the SPVM foolishly, and indeed quite idiotically, abused the power and authority invested in him by immediately demanding that I had to end my protest and leave the sidewalk in front of this U*U "church" because I was protesting in a bus stop zone. . .

My video capable DSLR was running and it documented everything that was said by this SPVM police officer as he attempted to force an end to my peaceful public protest by citing real or imagined Montreal municipal bylaws that should not be misused and abused to abrogate or suppress my own, or indeed anyone else's. . . constitutionally guaranteed civil right to engage in peaceful public protest.

Here is a short transcript of what was said starting at 56 seconds into this brand-spanking new U*UTube video -

Male SPVM officer: "Tu peut pas rester ici."

(Translation: "You cannot stay here.")

The Emerson Avenger: "Why not?"

Male SPVM officer: "Parce-que vous êtes dans un arrêt d'autobus premièrement, deuxièmement tu sers du terrain de l'église pour mettre tes pancartes."

(Translation: "Because you are at a bus stop in the first place, and secondly you are using the church's property to place your picket signs.")

It gets better. . .

The SPVM police officers had parked their police car right smack in the middle of the bus stop zone that this overly authoritarian SPVM officer pretended I was somehow violating by engaging in peaceful public protest in front of this alleged Unitarian Church. During the time frame of this highly questionable and "less than professional" police intervention no less than two STM buses were unable to properly pull up and stop at the bus stop in question as a direct result of this SPVM police vehicle being parked in the bus stop zone itself.

As may be seen in this second U*UTube video clip, which was taken immediately after the video clip in which this overly authoritarian SPVM police officer demanded that I must end my peaceful public protest in front of the Unitarian Church Of Montreal because there happens to be a bus stop in front of the entrance to this U*U "church", a Société De Transport De Montréal bus is forced to let passengers exit the bus in the street several feet away from the sidewalk precisely because the SPVM police car of the rather foolish police officer in question is parked right smack in the middle of the bus stop zone. . .


In this third U*UTube video clip another STM bus pulls up to the curb of the sidewalk about 60 feet before the bus stop in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal because the bus stop is being blocked by the parked SPVM police car. It should perhaps be noted that this is by no means the first time that SPVM vehicles have parked in the bus stop zone in front of the Unitarian Church Of Montreal after having been called to this U*U "church" by outrageously hypocritical Montreal Unitarian U*Us aka Totalitarian Unitarians attempting to misuse and abuse the Canadian Criminal Code or Montreal municipal bylaws to force an end to my perfectly legitimate peaceful public protest against a variety of U*U injustices and abuses.

More later. . .
