A Montreal Unitarian U*U Falsely Accuses Me Of Blocking The Sidewalk & Two SPVM Police Officers Are Called To The Proverbial "Scene Of The Crime". . .
aka the Unitarian Church of Montreal
aka The Church Of The Tarnished Image. . .
While engaging in my "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry of narrow-minded "fundamentalist atheist" Unitarian Universalists and the UUA's "terrible track record" of negligence towards and complicity in ALL kinds of clergy misconduct aka clergy abuse, both clergy sexual misconduct and non-sexual forms of clergy misconduct, a "greeter" from the Unitarian Church Of Montreal approaches me and falsely accuses me of blocking the sidewalk while I am shooting a video explaining my protest.
An altercation in which this Montreal Unitarian U*U rather rudely demands that I move my U*U and then gets upset when I have the audacity to "less than politely" inform him that he is "full of shit" in his false accusations that I am blocking the sidewalk. A Montreal Unitarian woman walking past us while this altercation is taking place name-calls me a "crazy person" which only goes to prove that Montreal Unitarian Universalists are amazingly slow learners, and more than a little bit crazy in their own right. . .
Soon after this little altercation an SPVM squad car quite predictably shows up at the Unitarian Church Of Montreal and two SPVM police officers have a somewhat philosophical discussion with me regarding my alleged blocking of the sidewalk. It should be obvious by the readily observable fact that several people walk by on the sidewalk between me and the camera (which is on a tripod placed just off the outside edge of the sidewalk in the street) that I am in no way physically blocking the sidewalk, indeed the first part of the second video documenting my discussion with the SPVM police officers (as well as the first video of the altercation) clearly shows that I am standing on the inner edge of the sidewalk allowing plenty of room for pedestrians to walk past me and my picket signs. The second video illustrates how *some* SPVM police officers seem to believe that Montreal municipal bylaws take precedence over the constitutionally guaranteed right to engage in peaceful public protest that is enshrined in the Canadian Charter Of Rights & Freedoms. It should be obvious that the female SPVM police officer who repeatedly accuses me of blocking the sidewalk in this video is not only overstepping her authority a bit, but is just plain wrong. . .
Update: Monday February 6, 2012 12:45PM - I just uploaded to U*UTube the second and final part of my conversation with two SPVM police officers yesterday regarding my alleged blocking of the sidewalk in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal -
aka The Church Of The Tarnished Image. . .
While engaging in my "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry of narrow-minded "fundamentalist atheist" Unitarian Universalists and the UUA's "terrible track record" of negligence towards and complicity in ALL kinds of clergy misconduct aka clergy abuse, both clergy sexual misconduct and non-sexual forms of clergy misconduct, a "greeter" from the Unitarian Church Of Montreal approaches me and falsely accuses me of blocking the sidewalk while I am shooting a video explaining my protest.
An altercation in which this Montreal Unitarian U*U rather rudely demands that I move my U*U and then gets upset when I have the audacity to "less than politely" inform him that he is "full of shit" in his false accusations that I am blocking the sidewalk. A Montreal Unitarian woman walking past us while this altercation is taking place name-calls me a "crazy person" which only goes to prove that Montreal Unitarian Universalists are amazingly slow learners, and more than a little bit crazy in their own right. . .
Soon after this little altercation an SPVM squad car quite predictably shows up at the Unitarian Church Of Montreal and two SPVM police officers have a somewhat philosophical discussion with me regarding my alleged blocking of the sidewalk. It should be obvious by the readily observable fact that several people walk by on the sidewalk between me and the camera (which is on a tripod placed just off the outside edge of the sidewalk in the street) that I am in no way physically blocking the sidewalk, indeed the first part of the second video documenting my discussion with the SPVM police officers (as well as the first video of the altercation) clearly shows that I am standing on the inner edge of the sidewalk allowing plenty of room for pedestrians to walk past me and my picket signs. The second video illustrates how *some* SPVM police officers seem to believe that Montreal municipal bylaws take precedence over the constitutionally guaranteed right to engage in peaceful public protest that is enshrined in the Canadian Charter Of Rights & Freedoms. It should be obvious that the female SPVM police officer who repeatedly accuses me of blocking the sidewalk in this video is not only overstepping her authority a bit, but is just plain wrong. . .
Update: Monday February 6, 2012 12:45PM - I just uploaded to U*UTube the second and final part of my conversation with two SPVM police officers yesterday regarding my alleged blocking of the sidewalk in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal -