Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "Picture Of An Asshole" Is In The Middle Of Unitarian Universalism *These* Days. . .

Rev. Scott Wells Tweeted a Tweet which left the impression that he had forgotten what's in the middle of Unitarian Universalism. . .

So The Emerson Avenger quite opportunistically took the opportunity to remind Scott that, back in December of 2003, former CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett ever so unilaterally, and just a tad foolishly. . . decided to insert Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "Picture Of An Asshole" between the two Us of "The UU Movement" aka Unitarian Universalism in a deeply misguided (and seemingly quite childish) effort to symbolize the self-vaunted "inclusiveness" of Unitarian Universalism which, ever since *that* poorly chosen fate of CU*UC Director Mary Bennett. . . has been known as "The U*U Movement".
