Montreal Unitarian David Horan Would Rather Be An Asshole Than SCU*UM Or Indeed A Big Fat U*U SCU*UMBAG. . .
But don't take take *my* word for it U*Us. . .
Take the word of David Horan himself at the 19:20 mark of this raw unedited documentary/surveillance U*UTube video of my peaceful public protest in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal shot during the 2012 Empty Bowls charity fundraising event on Saturday April 14, 2012, which *captures* Montreal Unitarian U*U Soul David Horan angrily and abusively berating me for protesting during this charity fundraiser. Just after 18:15 David Horan affirms my inherent worth and dignity by labeling me as a "jerk", "scum", and a "scumbag" for daring to engage in my "alternative spiritual practice" aka "prophetic work" of peaceful public protest against U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, U*U clergy misconduct, and various other U*U injustices and abuses, when non-U*U members of the Montreal public are coming to the Unitarian Church of Montreal for this annual charity fundraising event. When I finally get fed up and "less than politely" point out to David Horan that he is being an asshole aka an U*U Soul at the 19.20 mark he responds -
"I may be an asshole but I would rather be an asshole than scum."
Unfortunately this U*UTube video footage makes it abundantly clear that Montreal Unitarian U*U Soul David Horan is actually being an asshole AND SCU*UM as in Shamelessly Crass Unitarian*Universalist Moron, or indeed a Big Fat U*U SCU*UMBAG as in Shamelessly Crass Unitarian*Universalist Mouthing Belligerent & Abusive Garbage. . .
BTW It occurs to me *now* that SCU*UMBAG could be something of a multi-purpose Unitarian*Universalist acronym in that it *could* also stand for -
Stunningly Crass Unitarian*Universalist Ministers Being Abusive Goons
Needless to say Peacebang's Big Fat U*U "sodomy fantasy" luridly and quite sadistically imagining U.S. State senator Bill Napoli "anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch" comes to mind here. . .
Indeed Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Rev. Beth Miller are both Big Fat U*U SCU*UMBAG(s) as in -
Shamefully Complicit Unitarian*Universalist Ministers Backing Abusive Goons
In fact I would say that any and all Unitarian Universalist ministers who were, and still. . . are complicit in Rev. Ray Drennan's intolerant and abusive attack on me are SCU*UMBAG(s). That would certainly make former UUA President Rev. Dr. John AssHat Buehrens a Big Fat U*U SCU*UMBAG along with his shamefully complicit colleague former Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee Executive Secretary and UUA President wanna*be Rev. Diane Miller. Needless to say there are quite a few other Unitarian*Universalist SCU*UMBAG(s) I could name and shame here, but I will save that for another day.
The Emerson Avenger would like to hereby publicly thank Montreal Unitarian U*U Soul Mr. David Horan for inspiring yet another Unitarian Universalist acronym or two that he will be putting to good use in the future. . . :-)