SPVM Police Officer M. M. Roy Abuses The Power & Authority Invested In Him In An Unprofessional And Indeed Rather Stupid Manner

An SPVM Police Officer Says I Have A Right To Protest
As Long As I Don't Display Picket Signs. . .

As I was protesting against Unitarian Universalist injustices, abuses and hypocrisy outside the so-called self-described Unitarian Church of Montreal on Saturday April 14th, 2012, SPVM police officer Number 4737 M. M. Roy from SPVM Station 11 in N.D.G. demanded that I must end my peaceful public protest and leave the area, ostensibly because I had stepped into the street with my picket signs. This video shows how some "less than professional" SPVM police officers selectively enforce Montreal municipal bylaws in questionable efforts to censor and suppress my constitutionally guaranteed right to engage in peaceful public protest. At one point SPVM agent Roy actually says that I have the right to protest but cannot display picket signs. It is really quite ridiculous and I can't write about every ridiculous thing agent Roy said here. The fun with agent Roy starts just after the 18 minutes mark.

At the 22:50 aka 22 minutes and 50 seconds SPVM agent M. M. Roy utters the following ____________* pronouncement. . .

"Ben à la base si tu proteste pas de pancartes moi j'ai pas de problème avec ça."

Translation -

"Basically (Or "In the first place") if you protest without picket signs I don't have a problem with that."


* I hereby graciously allow the viewers of this U*UTube video to decide what is the most (in)appropriate adjective to use before the word "pronouncement". . . :-)
