Does The Unitarian Universalist Church Of Kent Ohio Harbor And Protect Unitarian Universalists Who Are Atheist Bigots?
Some person of inherent worth and dignity hailing from Kent, Ohio, in The Land Of The Not So Free was apparently just asking Google. . .
This person's free and responsible Google search for the Truth and meaning of uu atheist bigots led them to the TEA blog posts titled -
A Montreal Unitarian U*U Falsely Accuses Me Of Blocking The Sidewalk & Two SPVM Police Officers Are Called To The Proverbial "Scene Of The Crime". . .
A UU who agrees with my critique. . .
As may be seen in this screenshot of The Emerson Avenger blog statistics -
My own free and (ir)responsible Google search for a Unitarian Universalist Church in or near Kent, Ohio, led me to the web site of the Unitarian Universalist Church Kent aka UUCK! which *I* think is a pretty good U*U acronym for an alleged Unitarian Universalist "Church" that can be reasonably suspected of harboring and protecting Unitarian Universalist atheist bigots if we reasonably assume that the Google search in question was inspired by some person of inherent worth and dignity having a nasty run-in with UU atheist bigots in the city that they apparently hail from.
No U*Us?
Yes, of course there may be *other* rational explanations as to why someone in Kent, Ohio, ran a Google search for UU atheist bigots. For all I know they had recently visited the so-called, self-described, Unitarian Church Of Montreal or some other "less than welcoming" Unitarian*Universalist "church" elsewhere in The U*U Movement, but I think that this particular Google search certainly justifies my ever so Unitarian question as to whether or not a certain number of U*U atheist bigots are members of UUCK! aka the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. Needless to say The Emerson Avenger can't help but wonder if the Unitarian Universalist institution not inappropriately known as UUCK! these days was not formerly known as the First Unitarian Church of Kent aka FUCK once upon a time in the corpse-cold Unitarian past. . .
This person's free and responsible Google search for the Truth and meaning of uu atheist bigots led them to the TEA blog posts titled -
A Montreal Unitarian U*U Falsely Accuses Me Of Blocking The Sidewalk & Two SPVM Police Officers Are Called To The Proverbial "Scene Of The Crime". . .
A UU who agrees with my critique. . .
As may be seen in this screenshot of The Emerson Avenger blog statistics -
My own free and (ir)responsible Google search for a Unitarian Universalist Church in or near Kent, Ohio, led me to the web site of the Unitarian Universalist Church Kent aka UUCK! which *I* think is a pretty good U*U acronym for an alleged Unitarian Universalist "Church" that can be reasonably suspected of harboring and protecting Unitarian Universalist atheist bigots if we reasonably assume that the Google search in question was inspired by some person of inherent worth and dignity having a nasty run-in with UU atheist bigots in the city that they apparently hail from.
No U*Us?
Yes, of course there may be *other* rational explanations as to why someone in Kent, Ohio, ran a Google search for UU atheist bigots. For all I know they had recently visited the so-called, self-described, Unitarian Church Of Montreal or some other "less than welcoming" Unitarian*Universalist "church" elsewhere in The U*U Movement, but I think that this particular Google search certainly justifies my ever so Unitarian question as to whether or not a certain number of U*U atheist bigots are members of UUCK! aka the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. Needless to say The Emerson Avenger can't help but wonder if the Unitarian Universalist institution not inappropriately known as UUCK! these days was not formerly known as the First Unitarian Church of Kent aka FUCK once upon a time in the corpse-cold Unitarian past. . .