Stikeman Elliott Litigation Lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe Gets Another "Electronic Communication" From The Emerson Avenger. . .

Today marks the seven month "anniversary" of the second and, to date, final email/letter that Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe sent to me on Tuesday June 5th, 2012.

Here is a screenshot of the pertinent section of that second letter that Maitre Coulombe sent to me seven months ago -

Here is the complete text of the email that I just sent to Maitre Coulombe and top level UUA leaders minutes ago -

Without Prejudice

Saturn's Day aka Saturday January 5, 2013

Dear Maitre Coulombe,

It is now seven months to the day since you sent me the PDF file responding to my email (copied below) in which you accuse me of accusing "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers of rape, child molestation and other sexual perversions." You have had over seven months in which to responsibly identify those The Emerson Avenger blog posts that you and your "less than honest" client the Unitarian Universalist Association have irresponsibly, and indeed falsely. . . alleged to contain "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." You have brazenly asserted that my truthful claim to be unable to find any "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" is "not credible" when in fact it is your own assertions and accusations, and those of your "less than honest" clients, that lack credibility.

In seven months neither you, nor your client the Unitarian Universalist Association, have identified one single The Emerson Avenger blog post that actually contains "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."

Not one. . .

In fact you have not even deigned to clearly identify any The Emerson Avenger blog posts that you and your "less than honest" client less than Truthfully *pretend* to contain "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."

Not one. . .

Yes, I have blogged about how the "less than perfect" Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell was convicted of raping vulnerable teenage Tibetan refugees who he had lured away from their families in India with promises of a new and better life in America, but those are hardly "unfounded and vicious allegations" are they? It seems to me that, if anything about that shameful episode in Unitarian Universalist history can be described as "unfounded and vicious", it is Rev. Mack W. Mitchell's false (if not outright deceitful and fraudulent) promises of a new and better life in America for his teenage victims.

Right Maitre Coulombe?

Yes, I have blogged about how your client Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's "less than perfect" parishioner Richard "Dick" Buell was convicted of raping preteen girls, including "a female family member", indeed I have quite justifiably referred to Mr. Buell as a "pedophile rapist" in light of the fact that his very young female victims ranged in age from as little as nine years old, up to no older than twelve years old, at the times that Richard Buell actually committed those despicable crimes known as pedophilia and rape. The fact of the matter however is that, to my knowledge, Richard "Dick" Buell was not a U*U minister but a U*U lay person. Do you know something about Dick Buell that I don't know Maitre Coulombe?

Unless Richard "Dick" Buell actually was an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, as you and your "less than honest" U*U client(s) are apparently pretending in your highly questionable aka "less than credible" accusations against me, I had not actually blogged about ANY Unitarian Universalist minister engaging in the despicable crime known as pedophilia prior to receiving your "less than credible" cease and desist demand letter last June. Right Maitre Coulombe? In any case my allegations to the effect that Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's parishioner Richard "Dick" Buell was charged with, tried for, and convicted of engaging in the despicable crime of raping young children are hardly "unfounded and vicious" are they?

Likewise, prior to Friday June 1st, 2012, I had not accused one single Unitarian Universalist minister of "child molestation", unless perhaps you are referring to my blog posts about how your "less than perfect" client Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein decided in her wisdom that it was within her Big Fat U*U Purview to forcibly kick the "less than perfect" child of one of her U*U parishioners in "the tushie" aka buttocks with the side of her boot, "hard" and twice, and "as soon as the cop was out of sight" of course. . .

See -

Is *that* what you and your "less than honest" clients mean when you formally accuse me of accusing "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" of "child molestation" Maitre Coulombe?

Didn't think so. . .

So just what are those "other sexual perversions" that you are accusing me of accusing "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" of Maitre Coulombe? Do you mean your own client Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's "sodomy fantasy" which obscenely and Sadistically* imagined "South Dakota State Senator Bill Napoli anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch" perhaps? I mean, until such a time as you and your clients clearly specify exactly what "other sexual perversions" you are talking about in your second and (to date) final letter to me, I have little choice but to guess which "other sexual perversions" you are talking about. And to think that you and your client Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein and her complicit enablers at the UUA have the gall to accuse me of "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment". . .

You may recall that, well over six months ago now, I quite reasonably suggested that you and your "less than honest" Unitarian Universalist aka U*U clients would be very well advised to formally withdraw the highly questionable, and even outright false, accusations that you have made against me in the two cease and desist demand letters that you sent to me last June, and to properly and publicly apologize to me for bringing these "less than credible", and even all but completely unfounded. . . accusations against me.


Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger

* Dare I say "viciously" Maitre Coulombe?
