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Unitarian Universalist Brave Souls Rapelling Down Walls In Providence And Abusive Unitarian Universalist Clergy And Their Negligent And Complicit UUA Enablers - What's The Connection?

How about the following comments that I have been submitting to this Providence Journal web page about UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and various other repelling U*U, oops! I meant to say rapelling Brave U*U Souls, taking an ever so "heroic" and "courageous" U*U "leap of faith" by rapelling down the wall of the Rhode Island Convention Center to raise money for the Unitarian Universlist Association of Congregations That Not Only Repel Many If Not Most Visitors But Repel Tens Of Thousands Of Unitarian Universalists Through Their Negligent And Complicit Responses To UU Clergy Misconduct?

Just for starters. . .
  • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
    "Unitarians believe we can lead heroic lives creating a world worth loving. It takes brave souls to go to the edge and over."

    Which explains why Brave U*U Souls like UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales, UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery, other UUA staff and some UU clergy, ever so heroically hired Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe to have me served with an arrogant and aggressive, to say nothing of immoral and unethical... cease and desist demand letter which, amongst other highly questionable allegations and accusations, falsely accused me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel, in utterly shameful legal bullying that seeks to cover-up and deny Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse, including what Maitre Coulombe described as "such despicable crimes as pedophlia and rape."

    As if this was not bad enough, the Brave U*U Souls who made up the Gini Couter led UUA Board of Trustees ever so heroically did nothing to ensure that the Peter Morales administration formally withdrew its highly misleading and even outright false accusations, and publicly apologize for having the audacity and hubris to bring them against me.

    Anyone desiring more information about this need only Google "Blasphemous Libel" + Unitarian

    Did I forget to mention that most of the Brave U*U Souls misusing Canada's blasphemy law in inept legal bullying that seeks to conceal and deny "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" (amongst other UU clergy misconduct) are Atheists?

    It lends a whole new meaning to the term "Unitarian Joke".

    Feel free to Google that too. . .

    • AndrĂ© BĂ©rubĂ© · Seminaire de quebec
      Let them sue you if they want. Dont give into their demands. If they sue you, you can now countersue them for damages....we have an excellent antislap law in our province.

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
      André Bérubé Thanks for you helpful advice André, but I doubt they will attempt to sue me now. In any case, blasphemous libel is a criminal act in the Canadian Criminal Code subject to a two year prison term if an alleged blasphemer is found guilty and convicted. It is not a matter for civil law, although some of the other accusations might be. I blew the UUA's Canadian attorneys out of the water with my first few email responses to their ludicrous accusations. I demanded that they identify the blog posts that they alleged to contain "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the (Unitarian Universalist) Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." The lawyer arrogantly refused to do so, ditto for UUA leaders like UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and now "retired" UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery who refused to provide the slightest scrap of evidence supporting their accusations against me when I challenged them to do so.

      Many of my emails to Stikeman Elliott attorney Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, President Morales, and 'Kay Montgomery are posted to The Emerson Avenger blog. You might find them to be both educational and quite entertaining. :-)

  • Genevieve O'Malley Knight · Miami University
    I'm sorry I wasn't able to come visit your awesome city for this year's Assembly, I would have loved exploring Providence and watching these brave souls rappel. It is great to be an off-site delegate, though, and I'm moved by how mindfully our Association is working to fully include those of us who can't attend in body.

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
      "I'm moved by how mindfully our Association is working to fully include those of us who can't attend in body."

      I regret to have to say so, but the Unitarian Universalist Association is NOT working very mindfully in its rather inhuman "human relations" with me and other numerous people who have been victimized by abusive UUA clergy and the "less than welcoming" UU congregations that choose the fate of supporting their abusive ministers, rather than holding them accountable for their misconduct and abuse. In fact, as recently as the spring of 2012, the Rev. Peter Morales administration was working rather mindlessly to cover-up and hide UU clergy misconduct that ranged from fairly low level verbal attacks, through deeply insulting and outright defamatory verbal abuse courtesy of one Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang, right up to "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" with immoral, unethical, and borderline criminal legal bullying that sought to intimidate me into deleting aka "memory holing" The Emerson Avenger blog posts about the aforementioned Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct which included the worst forms of clergy sexual misconduct. In fact, the UUA attempted to misuse Canada's vague blasphemy law by pretending that my allegedly "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" were SO defamatory that they constituted the archaic crime of blasphemous libel.

      Those brave U*U souls from UUA HQ in Boston who are "courageous" and "heroic" enough to rappel down the side of building in a fundraising publicity stunt also *repel* me and numerous other people with their immoral and unethical FAILure and even obstinate refusal to live up the letter and the spirit of not only UU principles and ideals, but their own personal religious rhetoric. I have successfully challenged the various false accusations that the UUA brought against me in June of 2012 and have demanded that the Peter Morales administration must formally withdraw any and ALL of the false allegations that it made about me and publicly apologize for bringing them against me, but to date that "brave soul" known as UUA President Peter Morales has refused to accept responsibility for his administration's shameful clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying, and both the Gini Courter led UUA Board and Jim Key led Board have FAILed to do their job and take steps to ensure that President Morales and the other UUA leaders who are responsible for planning and executing this immoral, inept, and quite obviously *ineffective* legal bullying are held accountable for doing so.

  • Barry Sanders · Taunton, Massachusetts
    I could not be happier to be a part of this gathering of such loving spiritual people. The world is at such a critical place in history with anger and fear dividing and diminishing people. This community of love has shown the ability to bring people together by bringing real joy and salvation.

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
      Barry, as you may see from my comments here, anger and fear on the part of abusive UU clergy and their UUA enablers are dividing and diminishing *your* "community of love" which has not only NOT shown the ability to bring people together by bringing real joy and salvation in this and other matters, but has done the exact opposite. I will say however that it actually IS a "real joy" to find myself falsely accused of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel by immoral, unethical, incredibly foolish Atheist Unitarian UUA leaders like UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and former UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery to name but two.

      That being said, as much as I am more than happy to be basking in the untold glory of being accused of blasphemy by Atheist U*Us, I require the further "real joy" of seeing and hearing UUA President Peter Morales and-or UUA Moderator Jim Key publicly apologize not only to me personally, but to the Unitarian Universalist community as a whole, for engaging in this shameful attempt to cover-up and deny UU clergy abuse which ranges from verbal and psychological abuse right up to "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." Until I experience this real joy their will be NO salvation for anyone involved in this UUA fiasco.

      So I will politely ask you and other Unitarian Universalists to take steps to ensure that the public apology that I have been demanding since June of 2012 is finally delivered in front of a few thousand UU delegates during the 2014 UUA GA in Providence.

      Thank you,

      Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger

  • Shawna Foster · · Advocacy Catalyst at International Bridges to Justice
    Our faith has helped so many people, from the single mom to the GBLT+ kid to the immigrant needing shelter - all through recognizing the divinity of each person. What a great celebration of our faith! Check out more at

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University

      You know as well as I do that you are only telling one side of the story, and you DO know what they say about half-truths don't you?

      In case you have forgotten, I will kindly remind you -

      A half-Truth is a whole Lie.

      You are quite right, your Unitarian Universalist faith has helped many people, from the single mom to the GBLT+ kid to the immigrant needing shelter - all through recognizing the divinity of each person. But the flip side of *that* coin is that your Unitarian Universalist religious community has also harmed SO many people, literally thousands of UU clergy sexual misconduct, to say nothing of the non-sexual forms of clergy misconduct that additionally harm other people. Then there are the numerous other ways in which Unitarian Universalists harm people on a daily basis, and sometimes, as in my case, and in the case of numerous victims of UU clergy misconduct victims and whistleblowers who have been ignored, shunned, ostracized, and even intimidated and bullied by UUs in the wake of being brave souls enough to dare to complain about the misconduct and abuse that they have been subjected to by "less than perfect" UU preachers.

      What a great shame of *your* faith that abusive UU clergy, their negligent and complicit UUA enablers, and literally tens of thousands of uncaring Unitarian Universalist church goers obstinately refuse to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of victims of ALL forms of UU clergy abuse, let alone their "divinity".

      How about if you and other UUs try a bit harder to actually practice what UU clergy and UUA leaders so insincerely and hypocritically preach. You and other UUs can start by demanding an explanation of the UUA legal bullying I have brought your attention to here, and when it becomes clear that there is no satisfactory explanation forthcoming from President Morales or Jim Key, demanding that one or both of them must formally withdraw the UUA's false accusations against me and publicly apologize not only to me, but to you and a few hundred thousand Unitarian Universalist for totally betraying UUism's religious heritage by attempting to misuse Canadian blasphemy law to cover-up and-or outright deny the fact that *certain* Unitarian Universalist ministers are in fact guilty of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape".


      Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger
