Unitarian Universalist Flower Communion Sunday And Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape - What's The Connection?

How about this "electronic communication" that I just sent to UUA Moderator Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees minutes ago?

Re: How About Some Yom Kippur Repentance By The UUA?

To board@uua.org, jkey@uua.org, gseavey@firstuunashville.org and 1 More...

Today at 11:02 AM
Dear UUA Moderator Jim Key and ALL UUA Board Trustees,  

These U*UTube videos of my "re-envisioning" Flower Communion Sunday at the Unitarian Church Of Montreal last U*U Sunday would almost certainly not exist if you "Brave Souls" actually possessed the moral courage and ethical integrity that is required to respond in genuine *responsibility* to the spirit that bleweth where it listeth in my previous "electronic communications" to the Board regarding the Peter Morales administration's immoral, unethical, borderline criminal, and indeed bat shit crazy blasphemous libel accusation against me that I brought to the attention of the Gini Courter led UUA Board very soon after Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe ever so viciously hit me with the "flower" of Unitarian Universalist hypocrisy and hubris that is reproduced in The Emerson Avenger blog post linked to below -


2 of several U*UTube videos of my Flower Communion Sunday protest against UU clergy abuse, and complicit UUA perversion of justice, filmed at the Unitarian Church of Montreal on Sunday June 8, 2014 -

2 bonus U*UTube videos of my public celebration of the 2nd anniversary of being falsely accused of blasphemy by hubristic Atheist Unitarian UUA leaders on Friday June 1st of 2012, filmed in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal on Sunday June 1st, 2014.

Many thanks to Montreal Unitarian U*U David Horan for so kindly helping me to publicly expose and denounce not only U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy, but U*U willful ignorance, U*U psychological denial, and last (but by no means least) U*U stupidity.

I hereby remind ALL of you that I long ago demanded that the UUA Board of Trustees must censure the Rev. Peter Morales UUA administration for this immoral, unethical, and indeed borderline criminal legal bullying and to ensure that any and all of the false accusations that UU clergy and top level UUA leaders brought against me in June 2012 are not only formally withdrawn by the UUA, but properly and publicly apologized for.

See -




So please DO govern yourselves accordingly during the 2014 UUAGA.


Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger


Robin Edgar said…
I officially celebrated the fifth anniversary of being falsely accused of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel by the Unitarian Universalist Association in clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying during the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal's 2017 observance of "Flower Communion" on Sunday June 4th, 2017.
