Will UUA Moderator Jim Key Respond In Responsibility To The Spirit That Bloweth Where It Listeth By Apologizing For The Peter Morales UUA Administration's Misuse Of Blasphemy Law During The 2014 UUA GA?
Just asking. . .
On Saturday, June 28, 2014 3:09:44 PM, Robin Edgar wrote:
Dear Jim,
I would like to congratulate you for delivering the UUA's second apology to victims of UUA clergy sexual misconduct yesterday, but it is almost impossible for me to do so at this time since so little information is available about what exactly was said in that apology, who it was said to or in front of, and how it was received etc. Until I know more about the UUA's 2nd apology to victims of clergy sexual misconduct I cannot say much about it, one way or the other.
As you well know, I asked you in mid-December of 2013 to deliver the UUA's overdue apology for its legal bullying of June 2012 that, amongst other dubious accusations against me, falsely accuses me of the crime of blasphemous libel for blogging about Unitarian Universalists who are guilty of engaging in some of the worst kinds of clergy sexual misconduct. The fact that one of those UUs was not even a UU minister to the best of my knowledge is somewhat besides the point. You never delivered that UUA apology which would have helped to get the New Year of 2014 off to a much better footing than it got off to.
A few days ago I forwarded to you an email that I had sent to UUA President Rev. Peter Morales on Groundhog Day February 2nd, 2010 in which I reached out in love and politely requested that he deliver an apology to UU clergy misconduct victims during Standing On The Side Of Love Day 2010 i.e. February 14th, 2010. Rev. Morales never even acknowledged receipt of that email, and he subsequently brushed off my reasonable request for him to ensure that the UUA reopened and re-examined my clergy misconduct complaints against Rev. Ray Drennan and Rev. Victoria Weistein by tersely and rather callously saying,
"We're not reopening something that's years and years and years old."
Just over two years later in June of 2012, to my complete surprise, the Rev. Peter Morales administration not only reopened Rev. Victoria Weinstein's case in a manner that was completely antithetical to what I had requested from him during the April 2010 UUA Board of Trustees meeting, but also reopened egregious UUA clergy sexual misconduct that was a couple of decades old by falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in misguided legal bullying that was intended to ensure that my The Emerson Avneger blog posts about Rev. Victoria Weinstein's "sodomy fantasy" etc., and Rev.Mack Mitchell's rape of vulnerable teenage Tibetan refugees, disappeared into thin cyberspace.
You have known for at least nine months now that I expect the UUA to formally withdraw any and ALL false allegations that it brought against me in the two cease and desist demand letters that Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe had me served with in June of 2012, and to publicly apologize to not only to me personally but to the Unitarian Universalist religious community whose principles, and ideals, and proud liberal religious heritage of opposing blasphemy laws, the Peter Morales administration's false blasphemous libel accusation against me makes a complete and utter mockery of. You declined to apologize when I asked you to do so in December and you have made no effort to do so since then. And so here we are in late June of 2014, not one single step closer to genuine justice, equity and compassion, to say nothing of peace in the UU World, than we were when I first spoke with you on the telephone in early September of 2013.
So I am hereby giving you another opportunity to live up to your own personal religious rhetoric, to say nothing of what other Unitarian Universalist clergy and lay leaders have said in the last several days during the 2014 UUA GA about being "brave souls" and "reaching out in love" etc. etc., and to do the long overdue "Right Thing", or what you call the "Holy Work", of standing in front of a few thousand Unitarian Universalists in Providence Rhode Island later today, or more realistically tomorrow, and personally delivering the UUA's official apology for falsely accusing me of the archaic criminal act of blasphemous libel for telling the well-documented Truth about Unitarian Universalists who not only engaged in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", but were charged, tried, found guilty, sentenced to jail terms, and incarcerated for some years for committing such "despicable crimes".
If you decide to be (a) brave soul and reach out in love, to say nothing of justice, equity and compassion in human relations by doing what should have been done months ago, I will graciously accept your official apology as long as it meets my reasonable expectations. You can run your apology by me, before actually publicly delivering it in front of plenary, to ensure that it will in fact be accepted rather than being rejected as inadequate in one way or another. Needless to say, if you do deliver this overdue UUA apology, one that I believe your fellow Unitarian Universalists deserve almost as much as I do, you will not only be genuinely honouring and upholding most if not all of Unitarian Universalism's Seven Principles, but helping to restore Unitarianism's centuries old religious heritage of being strongly opposed to blasphemy laws that the Rev. Peter Morales UUA administration has so shamefully betrayed and tarnished. Equally needless to say, if you once again decline to deliver this much needed apology, the war of words that we are engaged in will be prolonged and almost certainly escalate.
I stand ready to move towards the deescalation of this long drawn out war of words whenever the UUA and individual Unitarian Universalist clergy, lay leaders, and congregants are ready to actually practice what UUism preaches in their human relations with me and other victims of UU clergy abuse, and I hope that you will finally see the wisdom of taking the UUA's first significant step towards restorative justice for not only me personally, but for ALL victims of all forms of UU clergy abuse and UUA complicity therein.
Robin Edgar
P.S. You may reach me by cell phone at: XXX-XXX-XXX
On Saturday, June 28, 2014 3:09:44 PM, Robin Edgar
Dear Jim,