Life Long Unitarian Universalist Rev. Bethany Russell-Lowe Viciously Kicks UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales & UUA Moderator Jim "See No Evil" Key In Their Big Fat U*U Balls. . .

In this "annotated" version of her words posted in the 'CNY Inspirations: A Free and Responsible Search' blog post of the InterFaith Works of Central New York.

"We are living in an Age of Information. We are inundated with opportunities to learn about this, hear opinions about that, take in new ideas. . . it is overwhelming. Unitarian Universalists are guided by the principle of a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Free, as in, no one else can force you to follow any particular spiritual path. It is up to you, and responsible, meaning that in this Age of Information, we need to sift through what we have heard to discover what is most true. We must do our research and corroborate what we find. Sometimes the truth we find surprises us. A responsible search means not looking for what you already believe, but instead, for what is most true. What does your responsible search for truth and meaning look like? How do you distinguish between your own belief and what is most true?"

Bethany Russell-Lowe is a life-long Unitarian Universalist. She is currently serving as Ministerial Intern at the First Unitarian Universalist Society and May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society.
