Rev. Darrick Jackson, The Meadville Lombard Theological School's Director of Contextual Ministry, Laments The UUA's Lamentable Misuse Of Canada's Blasphemy Law

In Bill Cosby style clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying that was and still IS intended to cover-up, and possibly even outright deny. . . "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to quote two choices phrases from the two arrogant and aggresive cease and desist demand letters that the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe had me served with in June of 2012, in this plagU*Urized parody version of Meadville Lombard Theological School Director of Contextual Ministry Reverend Darrick Jackson's 'Lament For America'. . .

Lament for American U*Uism

Great Spirit of THE Tiny Declining Fringe Religion, rageful Goddess, despairing God,

Hear our cry. Our U*U World has been torn upside down (sic). The hateful and divisive rhetoric of Peacebang, Rev. Ray Drennan and Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales to say nothing of other hateful and divisive U*Us have won the day. Fear of The Emerson Avenger flows through streets and fields. What was hidden has now been revealed, and it is ugly. Holy One, our faith has been shaken. Where is justice? Where is Goodness? Have U*Us been forsaken? All U*Us have left is a tenuous hold on hope. Hope that U*Us can still shift this turning tide. Hope that others will step forward to help. Hope that this backward U*U movement can still propel U*Us forward. As the fall heads into the winter, we pray that it does not last four years until Spring comes again. But if it must, we will persevere. We will make change in every way we can, raising up the U*U principles of justice, equity and compassion in this Tiny Declining Fringe Religion. Change has happened before, and can happen again. It must happen again. This is our "religion", no matter our race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ability or class*. We are called forward into this trial**, and that which calls U*Us will see U*Us through. May our grief propel us U*Us. May our anger be righteous. May our love sustain us.

Blessed Be.

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "class" is. . .

** It depends upon what the meaning of the word "trial" is. . .
