UUA President Peter Morales Pastoral Message Announcing The UUA's Official Withdrawal Of Its Blasphemous Libel Accusation Against Yours Truly

Does not exist in reality, but here's what it *might* look like in a plagU*Urized parody version of President Morales pastoral message on the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA:

Rev. Dr. Peter "'Beyond Belief" Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), offered the following pastoral message as he reflects on The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion's misuse of Canada's obsolete blasphemy law in legal bullying intended to cover-up and deny "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers":

"The UUA's blasphemous libel accusation against The Emerson Avenger is finally over. I have formally withdrawn it and capitU*Ulated in unconditional surrender to The Emerson Avenger's U*U Jihad Armed Farces. Most of us U*Us are shocked, even horrified, by the results. We live in a U*U World whose creepy pedophiles and rapists have been exposed by The Emerson Avenger. The wounds of this "Friendly Fire" of the UUA's heavy artillery will not heal soon. Many of us U*Us are emotionally exhausted and deeply offended by what we have experienced thanks to the incompetence of the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe.

This is a time to take a deep breath and a long view of our history of clergy sex abuse. Our role as religious regressives committed to misusing blasphemy law, perversion of justice and "Beyond Belief" stupidity is to help bend our U*U #RapeCulture toward Restorative Justice instead of perversion of justice that protects U*U perverts such as Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell, Richard Buell and Steven Craig Bulleit etc. etc. Think of issues like justice and equity and civil rights. The UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee's  "Rules  And Policies" and Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association UUMA Guidelines CHANGE when our Big Fat U*U Attitude(s) change. Our role is to help change U*U attitude(s), to lead by *example*.

Fear, anger, U*Uism and Islamophobia have created fertile ground for my demagoguery. Our voice is going to matter in the coming years. Our role, as always, will be to be a powerful voice for perversion of justice and undermining civil rights. Perhaps, at times, we may even be called upon to join with others to persist in flagrant injustice.

For now, let us U*Us reflect and draw strength from one another. Together we can cover-up our clergy abuse. Together we can deny the past."
