Montreal Unitarian Shoshanna Green And Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape Committed By Certain Unitarian Universalist Ministers - What's The Connection?

How about these videos of the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal's "Lay Chaplain" Shoshanna Green supervising the erasing of my chalk protest slogans which expose and denounce Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse, and Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial thereof?

By directly involving herself in the erasure of my chalk slogans, which tell the readily verifiable Truth about Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse, and Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial thereof, Montreal Unitarian Shoshanna Green is not only complicit in these U*U injustices, but a knowing and willful participant in Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial of U*U clergy abuse which includes, but is not limited to, what the UUA's Canadian attorney,'Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers."

According to her online bio, Shoshanna Green started attending the the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal in 2006, "in hopes of finding a meaningful social community". Besides supervising the erasure aka "memory holing" of my chalk slogans, Shoshanna Green has also taken on other roles within the congregation, including serving as moderator of the Council, and volunteering her editing skills for the newsletter. She even claims that her "main professional client" as a copy editor "is now the Unitarian Universalist Association!" I can't help but wonder if that means that the UUA is paying actually Shoshanna Green professional rates for her involvement in the clergy abuse concealing "copy editing" of my chalk protest slogans?

Persons of inherent worth and dignity who seek to have their weddings and other ceremonies officiated by a U*U "Lay Chaplain" who happily aids and abets Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial of "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of various other forms of U*U clergy abuse. . . need look no further than Montreal Unitarian Shoshanna Green. . .
