The Montreal Gazette Is A "Newspaper" Where No News Is Bad News. .

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .

Oh what the hell, take my word for it. . . as posted to The Montreal Gazette's heavily biased and highly misleading #FAKENEWS report about my arrest for alleged criminal harassment of The Gazette's former "Justice Reporter, Valérie Plante's UNethical and UNqualified power abusing Deputy Mayor, and Montreal Unitarian clergy abuse cover-up enabler Sue Montgomery, in this comment about the fact that The Gazette deleted aka "memory holed" ALL previous comments that had been posted in response to The Gazette crime reporter Paul Cherry's "less than honest" and "less than competent" #FAKENEWS report.

"Why did The Gazette delete aka "memory hole" all of the comments that were posted in response to this article?

When The Gazette isn't concealing the truth about Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up from the Canadian public, to say nothing of Montreal Unitarian clergy abuse cover-up enabler Sue Montgomery's knowing and willful complicity in Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up efforts. . . The Gazette is shamefully misrepresenting the truth in heavily biased #FakeNews reports like this one.

Once again The Gazette is a "newspaper" where no news is bad news. . ."

As it happens, I discovered yesterday that the comments that The Gazette "memory holed" in its main page are still available to be read on The Gazette's Facebook page that links to this biased and misleading #FAKENEWS article.

Read 'em and weep for The Gazette's FAILure, and indeed its ongoing obstinate refusal, to engage in fair and balanced reporting of this newsworthy story, to say nothing of other newsworthy stories about Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up efforts that I have reported to Sue Montgomery and other The Gazette "journalists" in the past. . .

Bonus screenshot: Which documents the fact that I posted two additional comments today which provide the complete transcript of the police report Sue Montgomery made on December 5th, 2017, which led to my arrest for alleged criminal harassment at Montreal city hall on December 11th, 2017.
