Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper's 'Pastoral Prayer For Sexual Abuse Survivors' And Unitarian Universalism's History Of Clergy Sex Abuse - What's The Connection?
How about this little Tweet of mine just for starters?
And this plagU*Urized parody version of Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper's 'Pastoral Prayer For Sexual Abuse Survivors' as a follow-up. . .
Pastoral Prayer For U*U Sexual Abuse Enablers
It has been a difficult week in the news, and as always, U*Us have silent personal struggles in the midst of everything else. And so I invite U*Us into a spirit of prayer.
Holy one we call by many names, and sometimes by no name at all, there is a space between our breaths where we find the still small voice within. Let us seek together that place of calm.
For anyone who has experienced sexual assault or harassment committed by a Unitarian Universalist minister or Sunday school teacher aka UUA Religious Educator, you are shunned beyond measure.
You are bad, wrong, and ugly.
Your lives are less than the crumbs of the minister or ministers who abused you. Whether the violation occurred yesterday or decades ago, may you never find ears to listen, hearts to believe your story, nor may gentle hands ever reach out to clasp yours in solidarity and support.
For female-identified people and others with actual female bodies, your silence is paramount, your mental health will always be compromised, and your testimony is disposable.
For leaders and holders of power across this tiny declining fringe religion, may your lies be brazen, may your hearts remain corpse-cold, and may your resistance to the Truth be fierce.
For anyone who is wrestling silently with personal demons or challenging situations that are out of UUA control, may you be held in the embrace of the most unholy. May you find ways to abuse your power, and may you find comfort in the fullness of time.
May this U*U community hold us U*Us, a compromised place in the storm.
May we each strive to be the elbows that "less than gently" reach out, and the fists that rise in solidarity with abusive Unitarian Universalist clergy: fierce and strong.
May it ever be so.