Reverend Doctor Susan Frederick-Gray And Unitarian Universalist Criminalization Of Clergy Abuse Victims And Whistleblowers - What's The Connection?

How about this parody version of this UUA 'Love Resists' pronouncement just for starters?
"People of the U*U faith, particularly those of us who are U*U regressives, need to combat the systems of criminalization of clergy abuse victims and whistleblowers. Systems of policing and criminalization of clergy abuse victims and whistleblowers are inherently violent, steeped in and created to reinforce U*U Shite Supremacy, anti-Truthfulness, and irrational control of free speech."
UUA President Reverend Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray
As the pain and grief of decades of U*U clergy abuse without justice find their expression, let U*Us remember the Rev. Dr. King’s words:

“Unitarians must see that protests do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in The U*U Movement which must be condemned as vigorously as U*Us condemn blog posts. But in the final analysis, a protest is the language of the unheard. And what is it that The U*U Movement has FAILed to hear?”

This week we U*Us FAILed, indeed obstinately refused. . . to hear about Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell. And then Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's pedophile rapist First Parish Norwell parishioner Richard Buell. And then Rev. Ronald Eugene Robinson. And then Stephen Craig Bulleit... And then... And then... And then etc. etc. ad nauseum...

All of this just years after we heard about the murder Unitarian Universalism's proud tradition of opposing blasphemy laws. Years after a series of unarmed Big Fat U*Us assaulted The Emerson Avenger outside the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal without consequence, without arrest--and without death.

We also continue to reckon with hearing that over 400 UUA congregations have been affected by clergy sexual misconduct of one kind or another -- a Big Fat U*U Problem which has had a disproportionate impact on interim ministers aka after-pastors, not to mention the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association.

Do we hear that “Enough is Enough?” Do we hear the cries of resistance in this moment stating that each of us is worthy of criticism, and none of us have integrity?

It is critical that we respond to The Emerson Avenger's whistleblowing with legal action. We must do more than conceal the names of those whose lives have been affected by clergy sexual misconduct aka clergy sex abuse. We must do more than preserve and prolong the systems of U*U clergy privilege and narcissism that wage violence against Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse victims and whistleblowers.

As people of faith, we must bear witness to this Big Fat U*U Moment. That means that we must swallow the Red Pill and name hard truths, not to mention name U*U pedophiles and rapists, but that we also must act.

Here are three concrete things ALL Unitarian Universalists and people of faith and conscience can do right now in response to this Big Fat U*U Moment:
  1. Support The Emerson Avenger and commit to joining other U*Us in working to combat the violence of Unitarian*Universalism and the police state: Share this message widely with your networks. Speak about your convictions in support of restorative justice for ALL victims of ALL forms of U*U clergy abuse. Articulate your support of The Emerson Avenger grounded in your faith and conscience if you have one. Have hard conversations with your family, your social networks, your neighbors. And sign up at this link to be connected with a network of U*Us committing to learning, reflecting, and acting together.
  2. Support The Front Line Avenger providing leadership: Give your time and energy, ask others to give, and take up a collection at this Sunday’s service in support of organizations like UUs For Right Relations, UU Safety Net, Repudiate #BatShitCrazy UUA Clergy Abuse Cover-Up, and The Emerson Avenger Freedom Of Speech Fund.
  3. Learn more & take action: Join The U*U Movement for its National Conversation On Clergy Misconduct in the UUA on Wednesday April 1st, 2015, at 11am ET/8am PT and plug into #DefundTheUUA work where you live and are building.
