A Cat*Ass*Trophy For CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett

I had not intended to post this particular LOL U*Us pic any time soon butt. . . what with yet another Unitarian*Universalist deciding to kick up some dust and become an exUnitarian*Universalist aka an XU*U as a result of what U*Us are so wont to call "perceived injustices" (even though they may well be very real injustices and abuses) I have decided that this LOL U*U Cat graphic is appropriately thematic in more ways than one. . .

Update Sunday June 22, 2008 10:00pm

I decided to create a new and improved version of this U*U LOLCat photo that is specifically dedicated to all those ex-U*Us whose chosen fate was to kick up the proverbial dust and walk away from their once chosen faith as a result of various forms of intolerance, mistreatment, and even abuse by their fellow U*Us. I suppose that ex-U*Us who chose to leave the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as U*Uism for other reasons may get a chuckle or two out of this U*U cat*ass*trophy as well.
