Rev. Patrick "Ogre" McLaughlin On Internet Etiquette. . .

U*U ministerial candidate Patrick McLaughlin, who covets the honorific Reverend before his name, has just given me a dressing down about " internet etiquette" and even "common etiquette" on his Sparks In The Dark blog. I have posted my response to his rather hypocritical "sermon" on his blog but, since this prospective member of the "Fellowship of the Wing*" is likely to "memory hole" my point-by-point rebuttal of his two-faced accusations against me I am reproducing my response to the Reverend Ogre's U*U "rant" here. I did not bother to embed links to supporting evidence in the original comment on Rev. Ogre's "Snark In The Dark" blog since I expect it to be promptly "memory-holed" by the prospective Reverend Patrick McLaughlin but I will probably add some links to this post later -

:Robin, you make a practice of making every topic of discussion about you, your tale of woe, and your beef with one church and a few UUs.

Wrong Patrick. I only post comments on blog posts whose subject matter is pertinent to the U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy that I am exposing and denouncing. And it's not just about "one church and a few UUs". Try at least several U*U "churches" and a whole lot of U*Us who make a total mockery of U*U Principles and ideals.

:Every opportunity you get, with few exceptions, you sneer, defame, mock, and insult.

Defame? I think not. I am very careful to be very truthful and accurate in my criticism of U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. As far as sneering, mocking and insults go, as long as U*Us allow intolerant and abusive U*U clergy (to say nothing of lay U*Us) to sneer at, defame, mock, and insult other people I will be returning the favor. When U*Us clean up their act I will become rather more civil but, as long as the UUA and individual U*U "churches" all but officially endorse the insulting and defamatory language of U*U ministers, and allow all kinds of other insulting and abusive behavior to take place in the UNSAFE SECT known as the U*U World, I will be returning sneer for sneer and insult for insult. U*Us have repeatedly broken their empty "covenants" so I do not feel bound to them.

:Have at it--just don't do it on my blog. It's not a "public" place and I've gotten tired of it and don't care to have it here.

ROTFLMU*UO! *EVERY* blog, unless it is password protected or something, is a "public place" Patrick and if you haven't figured that out yet you are a complete idiot. I seem to recall some UUA administrators decrying how U*U youth did not understand just how public their blogs were, but obviously U*U adults are just as oblivious to that fact as U*U youth.

:Particularly not after your display of egregiously bad internet manners.

ROTFLMU*UO! My "egregiously bad internet manners" are a direct response to the egregiously bad internet manners of U*U bloggers such as Peacebang aka Rev. Victoria Weinstein for example. . . I can't help but notice that you direct people to her blog where, once upon a time they could read about her sodomy fantasy involving a US senator anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch, to say nothing of other sneering, defamation, mockery, and insulting of other people. N'est-ce pas Patrick?

:I don't give a damn, as it turns out, who knows who "ogre" is.

How about gooddogmasit then Patrick? Do you care if anyone knows your Beliefnet handle? I seem to recall gooddogmasit doing a fair bit of sneering, defaming, mocking, and insulting on Beliefnet. . .

:It wasn't adopted as a cloak for anonymity.

No of course not. . . Neither was gooddogmasit was it?

:But your choosing to address me by name makes the point that you've performed that intrusion of going to find out who I am, so that you can out me.

Brilliant deduction Patrick aka gooddogmasit. . .

:Turns out I don't care. But your use of the name makes the point that you don't care to play within common etiquette.

Correct. I do not care to play within common etiquette when U*U bloggers choose not to play within common etiquette themselves. . . Why should I be bound to "common etiquette" when you and other bloggers, to say nothing of U*U clergy and U*Us more generally. . . repeatedly make a total mockery of "common etiquette" with their online, off-line, private and public, sneers, defamations, mockery, and insults?

:Tolerance is a reciprocal thing, and you've violated mine.

Because you and other U*Us have previously violated my tolerance "Ogre" aka gooddogmasit. . .

:So from here on, comments off topic--and particularly those that are rude and derogatory to UUs in general will simply be deleted.

And reproduced on The Emerson Avenger blog. . .

:Consider it the consequences of your misbehavior.

Consider my "rude and derogatory" but highly truthful and justified comments to you and other UUs to be the consequences of *your* misbehavior "Ogre". . .

:No doubt this makes me part of the vast conspiracy. Ah well.

I don't believe that I have ever used the term "conspiracy" with reference to U*Us Patrick aka Ogre aka gooddogmasit. From what I can see, a good number of U*Us do a pretty good job of being obnoxious asses all by themselves on an ongoing individual basis. . . No "conspiracy" required.

* As in left-wing aka "the Church of the Far Left"
