Elvis Never Entered the Building. . . LOL U*Us
This LOL U*U pic is postU*Umously dedicated to X-U*U Dr. Rieux even though I created it several days before he decided to kick up some virtual dust and leave the U*U World behind him for good. . .
The Emerson Avenger is a "memory hole" free blog where censorship is scorned. This blog will "guard the right to know" about any injustices and abuses that corrupt Unitarian Universalism. Posters may speak and argue freely, according to conscience, about any injustices and abuses, or indeed hypocrisy, that they may know about so that the Avenger, in the form of justice and redress, may come surely and swiftly. . . "Slowly, slowly the Avenger comes, but comes surely." - Ralph Waldo Emerson