Chalica Kinda Like Kwanzaa Only 97% White. . .

Just saying. . .

Do U*Us dare to compare?

Chalica vs. Kwanzaa


Anonymous said…
indeed, two beautiful holy-days with beautifully complimentary meanings! there is no way to deny the parallels (and as far as i've heard, nobody has tried to), and the two holydays are serving different communities with different needs...the overlap describes our common humanity.
Anonymous said…
Thanks you for standing up for the UUs... as a former Souther Baptist, I have truly seen what a loving religion looks like.
Robin Edgar said…
Presumably you are talking about Evan Austin's standing up for the U*Us anonymous. I have no quarrel with Evan, he seems like a good fellow, but I regret to have to inform you that Unitarian*Universalism is by no means a "loving religion" towards me and other people who "corpse-cold" Unitarians choose to demonize and marginalize. A free and *responsible* search for the truth and meaning of my words will show that *some* U*Us are full of hate, and too many other U*Us turn blind eyes and deaf ears to those who dare to complain about U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy.
Lily said…
@Robin Edgar
Of course there are some mean UU's! There are cold people of every religion, race, ethnicity, etc. Our seven principles are focused on love and equality, but that still doesn't mean all of the UU's follow them. I'm a UU and, although I try, I'm not friendly to everyone all of the time. I'm not perfect! No one is!

Anyway, I have just heard about this "Chalica" thing this week, and I think it's a neat idea. I'm excited to have a special holiday that fully supports my beliefs and principles.

-Lily, age 15