Slanderous & Libelous Unitarian*Universalist Gossips aka SLU*UGs Suck U*U Big Time. . .

Well it looks like the self-described "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog have really gone and done it this time. . .

In fact, it would appear that these Big Fat U*U Gossips have taken a double barreled shotgun, or possibly a Big Fat U*U Blunder*buss, and unceremoniously blasted their collective U*U Clay Feet to smithereens. In a blog post titled 'What Really Happened at the Montreal Church?' they have posted a totally false and quite evidently malicious, i.e. genuinely libelous. . . rumour about your's truly to their misinformation and disinformation filled DIM Thinking attack blog.

I first became aware of the libelous accusation that I was involved in a "chair throwing incident" when an anonymous Montreal Unitarian*Universalist U*U commenter on this blog briefly mentioned it in this comment posted to this TEA blog post about how Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-religious intolerance & bigotry tarnished the public image of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal. I had never previously heard about this completely false, and obviously harmful and damaging, slanderous accusation that *pretends* that I threw a chair at or near U*Us in the Unitarian Church of Montreal. Here is the pertinent part of what this cowardly anonymous Montreal U*U troll wrote almost four years ago now on Thursday, August 17, 2006 -

Robin has been verbally abusive over the years with a number of members as they have entered the church on Sunday, myself included, and there was a chair throwing incident while he was a member that scared the staff, who demanded that something be done.

end quote

Please note that there are no details about my alleged verbally abusive behaviour and the alleged "chair throwing incident". Please note also that this "less than detailed" (to say nothing of "less than truthful". . .) allegation about me is NOT first hand eye-witness testimony but rather what is commonly known as "hearsay evidence" that would be completely inadmissible as testimony or evidence in any court of law.

Here is how I initially responded to that libelous allegation about me -

The fact that CC had not heard about the alleged "chair throwing incident" should tell U*Us something. . . The fact that Anonymous U*U's recent rant is, so far, the first and only time that this alleged "chair throwing incident" has ever been mentioned and the fact that, in spite of my public challenge to U*Us to do so no U*U has provided the slightest corroborating testimony or evidence about this alleged incident, should make it clear to U*Us that the alleged "chair throwing incident" never happened or, if it did, I was not in any way involved in it.

end quote

Try finding ANY allegation about me throwing a chair in the Unitarian Church of Montreal posted to the internet prior to this comment dated Thursday, August 17, 2006. I am very confident that a free and responsible Google search for the capital 'O' Objective Truth, or indeed glaring lack thereof. . . of this genuinely libelous allegation about me will not find any prior mention of it. None whatsoever.

Don't U*Us think that if this alleged "chair throwing incident" had ANY foundation in fact that it would have come to light *somewhere* on the internet well prior to Thursday, August 17, 2006? Where is the first-hand testimony of the staff of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, or any other "eye witnesses" that the original commenter and the "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog *pretend* actually witnessed this supposed "chair throwing incident"? Why is it not mentioned at all in the earlier SPAM comments that this anonymous Montreal U*U posted to numerous TEA blog posts and claims is the Unitarian Church of Montreal's official response to people who inquire about our little "war of words"? Don't U*Us think that, if I had *really* thrown a chair at or near people in the Unitarian Church of Montreal, this act of physical violence would have been at least briefly mentioned in the Unitarian Church of Montreal's official response?

Why is it that this alleged "chair throwing incident" has never been brought up at all by Montreal Unitarian U*Us in ANY of the court proceedings arising out of my false arrest on trumped up criminal charges in December of 2000, or in subsequent court hearings arising out of Rev. Diane Rollert's deeply misguided decision to seek a restraining order against me on the grounds that I *might* cause a "serious personal injury offense" against her or other U*Us? Don't U*Us think that if there was ANY truth to this alleged "chair throwing incident", even highly misleading "less than honest" U*U "half-truth", that this "chair throwing incident" would have been used as prosecution evidence supporting the charges against me? Why is it that not one single Montreal Unitarian U*U ever mentioned this alleged "chair throwing incident" in ANY of the numerous depositions that were provided to Montreal police and Quebec Crown Prosecutors over the last decade or more? Surely if some staff members of the Unitarian Church of Montreal actually witnessed me throwing a chair somewhere in the Unitarian Church of Montreal and were scared by this act of violence they would have provided sworn affidavits attesting to having witnessed me throwing a chair.

No U*Us?

Why is it that the ONLY person who ever brought up this alleged "chair throwing incident" in a court of law was none other than your's truly? Yes, that's right U*Us. *I* raised the question of this alleged "chair throwing incident" while cross-examining the "less than perfect", indeed "less than honest" aka *perjurious*. . . Rev. Diane Rollert during the Quebec Court hearings that arose out of her seeking a restraining order against me on the grounds that she feared that I would commit a "serious personal injury offense" against her.

Why would I do that U*Us ask? Very simple. I knew that this libelous allegation was completely and utterly false, not even based on the slightest misleading "half truth", and I wanted to expose the kind of demonizing and marginalizing slanderous lies that U*Us were telling about me and, if at all possible, learn the identities of the Montreal Unitarian U*Us who had told this particular Big Fat U*U Lie so that I could take appropriate action against them for telling such a harmful and damaging slanderous lie about me.

So how did Rev. Diane Rollert respond to my question(s) asking her about this libelous accusation against me U*Us ask?

She denied ever having heard about it at all.

There are pretty much only two possibilities here U*Us. Rev. Diane Rollert actually told the truth about never having heard about this "chair throwing incident" or she lied about never having heard about it. If she was telling the truth don't U*Us think that it just *might* be because I never actually threw a chair in the Unitarian Church of Montreal and that the very few people who have tried to spread this slanderous rumour about me knew that it could backfire big time if they shared their concerns about this non-existent "chair throwing incident" with Rev. Rollert? So why would Rev. Diane Rollert lie about never having heard about this "chair throwing incident" if she had in fact been told about it U*Us ask? Why to protect the slanderous & libelous U*U gossips aka SLU*UGs who spread that harmful and damaging lie about me from any accountability for their slander and libel. If Rev. Rollert had actually admitted to having heard about this harmful and damaging false accusation against me she would have found herself in a "less than comfortable" position in court.

No U*Us?

So just to be absolutely clear here. . .

I categorically deny having ever been involved in any "chair throwing incident" at the Unitarian Church of Montreal. I have never thrown ANY object at or near ANY Unitarian*Universalist, Montreal Unitarian U*U or otherwise. I have a proven track record of completely *non-violent* direct action aka *peaceful* public protest in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. Not one Montreal Unitarian U*U, nor any other Unitarian*Universalist, has ever suffered the slightest scratch or bruise as a result of my public protest activities since I initiated them in May of 1998, nor was any U*U physically harmed in any manner whatsoever prior to my peaceful public protest against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy.

The same cannot be said about Montreal Unitarian U*Us throwing objects at or near me however, to say nothing of actually physically assaulting me. . . There are several U*U "object throwing incidents" that I can 100% truthfully relate on this blog or anywhere else on the internet for that matter. There is that rather embarrassing footage of a certain "picket sign throwing incident" courtesy of Totalitarian Unitarian "Citizens' Police Officer" Peter Kohl aka U*U COP that I saw fit to post to my U*UTube account.

Now *that* is what U call incontrovertible eye witness testimony.

No U*Us?

As they say. . .

Seeing is believing.

Butt wait U*Us there's more. . .

John Inder, the former President of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal who is numbered amongst those slanderous and libelous U*U gossips who have so foolishly seen fit to "name-call" Creation Day a "cult" to my face, once forcefully threw a few picket signs that he was attempting to steal from me in my direction after I had firmly but politely warned him that I would regrettably have to charge him with theft if he did not hand back my picket signs. If my memory serves me well this particular "picket-sign throwing incident" took place after I had successfully had that fool of a Queen's Counsel lawyer Kevin Howard QC charged with both theft and assault. Thus Montreal U*U John Inder knew very well that I was quite serious about charging him with theft if he went through with his own rather petty thievery, hence his physically violent act of forcefully throwing my picket signs at me in a Big Fat U*U Fit of exasperation. . .

I well recall former UCM Board member, and pridefully self-described "Type A personality", Pierre Binette contemptuously throwing lit cigarette butts at me as he walked past me on his way into the Unitarian Church of Montreal on several occasions. Yes, that's the very same U*U asshole who has the ignoble distinction of being the very first Montreal Unitarian U*U to physically assault me in the early stages of my protest against U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and other rather low "crimes and misdemeanors". . . So there's some eye-witness testimony from your's *truly* about a few "cigarette butt throwing incidents" courtesy of Type A for Asshole U*U personality Pierre Binette.

So where are the U*U "eye-witnesses" to my alleged "chair throwing incident" U*Us?

Do present their first hand "eye witness" testimony on the Robin Edgar Sucks blog.


Nobody wants to commit their first-hand eyewitness testimony to writing?

Even under the cowardly cover of accountability avoiding internet anonymity?

Can't imagine why. . .

Allow me to take this opportunity to once again remind Slanderous & Libelous U*U Gossips like the original anonymous U*U commenter, and the "collective authorship" of the libelous Robin Edgar Sucks blog, that it is my policy to respond to Big Fat U*U Lies by telling rather embarrassing but all but undeniable Big Fat U*U Truths that are very often supported by plenty of all but incontrovertible evidence of one kind or another.

So go ahead U*U punks.

Make my day by telling some more slanderous lies about me.
