UUA President Rev. Peter Morales Talks The Talk On His Beyond Belief Blog But Repeatedly Fails & Even Outright Refuses To Genuinely Walk What He Talks

In the initial 'Welcome' post of his brand-spanking new 'Beyond Belief' blog UUA President Peter Morales says -

"So my blog is about religion that is beyond belief. It is about how we treat one another, about how we live our lives, about the connections we make and the difference we make."

Quite frankly President Morales' two-faced hypocrisy, to say nothing of some of his over-the-top religious rhetoric. . . is quite literally beyond belief in that it lacks credibility.

Without further ado here is the comment that I just submitted in response to a comment by one Marilyn Junkins -

"Thank you for your work in moving us to do the work that we must, as UUs, DO to create change in the world."

UUA President Peter Morales has repeatedly failed, and even point-blank refused. . . to actually DO important work that he and other UUA leaders must, as UUs, DO to create change in the UU World. . .

Rev. Morales talks the "talk" but can't seem to bring himself to walk the "walk" on a variety of important issues, not the least of them being the UUA's lamentably negligent & complicit responses to all manner of UU clergy misconduct complaints and its shameful failure (indeed its apparent refusal) to live up to its "pledge" to "bend towards justice" for victims of clergy misconduct.

I am still waiting for President Morales to actually DO what is necessary to "make a difference" in the UUA's seriously flawed clergy misconduct policies & procedures and its ongoing negligent, and thus effectively complicit. . . responses to clergy misconduct complaints. When will Rev. Morales start treating me and other people who have been victimized by abusive UU clergy in a manner that genuinely honors and upholds UU principles and ideals rather than in a manner which disregards them and violates them?
