Yet Another Unitarian Universalist Prophet Of Doom! aka The Coming Tsunami Of Quite Literally Corpse-Cold Unitarian Universalists. . .

Just saying, as they say.

Not that I haven't been telling U*Us pretty much the same thing for over a decade now. . .

And not that "the coming tsunami" of all too literally corpse-cold Unitarian Universalists doesn't have its "up" side for the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations aka UUA, at least in the short term. . .

But don't take my word for *that* U*Us, take UUA Financial Advisor Dan Brody's word for it.

"The good news is (that) lots of people are dying."

After all, where there's a will, there's still a way for the UUA to suck some more money out of all those quite literally corpse-cold Unitarian Universalists. . .
