UUA Financial Advisor Dan Brody Believes That It Is "Good News" That A Lot Of U*Us Are Becoming Quite Literal Corpse-Cold Unitarians. . .

That's right U*Us.

During his report to the UUA Board of Trustees at the April 2009 UUA Trustees Meeting UUA Financial Advisor Dan Brody "jokingly" aka waggishly said -

"The good news is that a lot of people are dying."

This was in reference to the significant increase in bequests that the UUA was receiving from "a lot" of recently deceased Unitarian*Universalists, aka literally corpse-cold Unitarians, which somewhat offset the financial losses that the UUA was experiencing in other sources of revenue.

I had been meaning to post about this matter before but never quite got around to it until a young adult U*U going by the handle Mooie80 on The Huffington Post gave me the Big Fat U*U Push minutes ago. . .

Here is Mooie80's comment on Religious News Service reporter Daniel Burke's recent Huffington Post article titled 'Can Unitarian Universalists Make It Another 50 Years?' followed by my follow-up comment -


11:32 AM on 7/04/2011

I'm not arguing the statistic, I'm arguing the reason given for it. And as for RE enrollment being down: When the UUA shows no interest in young adults 18-35, those of typical child-bear­ing age, who do they expect to enroll new RE kids? Their grandparen­ts??? UUism isn't dying of disinteres­t, its members are just dying of old age, and UUA is doing absolutely nothing to attract younger members, who want to be a part of the future of UUism, and are largely discourage­d from participat­ing.

end quote

Robin Edgar

15 minutes ago (10:14 AM)

Well Glory HallelU*Uj­ah!

Thank you so much for passing me *this* ammU*Uniti­on Mooie80.

I could hardly have said it better myself. . .

:UUism isn't dying of disinteres­­t, its members are just dying of old age

Indeed they are Mooie80, but this is actually "good news" for the UUA, at least if you care to believe these words uttered by UUA Financial Advisor Dan Brody during the April 2009 UUA Board of Trustees meeting -

"The good news is that a lot of people are dying."

That is pretty much a word for word accurate quote of what Dan Brody "jokingly" said while trying to "paper over" the UUA's dismal financial situation. Dan Brody was obviously talking about the increase in bequests to the UUA from an increased number of quite literally corpse-col­d Unitarians which somewhat counteract­ed the UUA's losses on other financial fronts. . . He went on to say that this "good news" was "unsustain­able" and, in the long run, it is unsustaina­ble but, in light of the UUA's aging demographi­c that you have pointed out here *I* would say that this "good news" for the UUA is probably quite sustainabl­e for another decade or two. . . Unless of course aging U*Us get wind of the fact that the UUA think that it is "good news" that a lot of U*Us are dying and write the UUA out of their wills etc.

end quotes

U*Update 08.07.2011 11:35 AM - After reviewing my personal memory banks I think that a more word-for-word accurate quote of what UUA Financial advisor Dan Brody actually said would be,

"The good news is (that) lots of people are dying."

This is a very minor, and quite inconsequential, difference in the quote but I *do* try to be both truthful and highly accurate when quoting what people have said. Needless to say a review of the audio recording of the April 2011 UUA Board of Trustees meeting would provide a 100% accurate quote assuming it was properly recorded. It is my understanding that UUA Board of Trustees meetings are in fact recorded and it seemed to me that *one* UUA staffer was acting as a stenographer considering just how fast and furiously, and indeed *continuously*, she was typing away throughout the whole meeting.


ChrisImports1 said…
Thank heavens I have other sources of revenue aside from my current job. I work as a counselor during the weekdays but during the weekends I work from home selling import export goods online. Now I am quitting my job because I make more with my part time job than my main job!
Robin Edgar said…
Correction: The words attributed to UUA Financial Advisor Dan Brody in this blog post and the parody image illustrating it were uttered during the April 2010 UUA Board Of Trustees meetings not the April 2009 UUA Board meetings.