Extreme Secularism aka Fundamentalist Atheism Held Sway Over The Unitarian Universalist Association aka UUA During The 1960s And 1970s. . .

Butt don't take my word for it U*Us.

Take Rev. Phillip Lund's word for it, or at least the word of a colleague of Unitarian Universalist minister of Rev. Phil Lund, as posted to his 'The U*U World Is Riddled With Secular Extremists'* blog post.

Here is the comment that I just submitted in response to Unitarian Universalist minister and Director of Faith Development and Congregational Growth for the Prairie Star District of the Unitarian Universalist Association Rev. Phillip Lund's 'Phil's Little Blog On The Prairie' blog** -

"There’s a colleague of mine who occasionally alludes to the 60s and 70s as Unitarian Universalism’s “Babylonian Exile.” What she’s referring to is the extreme secularism that held sway over the Association during that period."

Right. . .

Thank you for so publicly acknowledging that "extreme secularism" "held sway" over the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations aka the UUA during the 1960s and 1970s Phil, but what makes you and/or your colleague, or anybody else, so sure that "extreme secularism" did not *still* hold sway over the UUA in the 1980s, the 1990s, and even first decade of this millennium? Do you and other U*Us *really* believe that "extreme secularism" holds little or no "sway" over "the Association" and/or numerous U*U "churches" today?

I seem to recall having been subjected to the intolerant and abusive "sway" of a Secular Extremist aka Fundamentalist Atheist U*U minister in the 1990s and having the UUA and MFC Executive make a ruling to the effect that his deeply insulting and outright defamatory intolerant and abusive behavior was "within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership." The last time I checked, the UUA and MFC have yet to freely and responsibly overturn that unjust ruling which all but officially endorsed Secular Extremist "sway" over your's truly, to say nothing of other people. . .

Why is it that, even today, I keep hearing stories about Secular Extremist "sway" occurring in various U*U "churches" be that "sway" anti-Christian, anti-Pagan or otherwise anti-religious?

* Big Fat U*U Satire & Parody Alert

** And U*Us think *I'm* long-winded. . .
