Captain America aka The First Avenger Is Not To Be Confused With The Emerson Avenger aka The Dark Knight Of The U*U World. . .

You learn something new every day. . .

I had no idea that Captain America was known as "The First Avenger" until some Yahoo from North Little Rock, Arkansas, ran a Yahoo! search for -

avenger blog

earlier today.

I am not sure if that Arkansawan Yahoo was an Arkansawan U*U looking for the blog of that Transcendentalist Super Hero dreaded U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger aka TEA or if he*she was searching for the blog of The First Avenger aka Captain America or some other capital 'A' Avenger, but it sure was nice to see that the Yahoo! search engine actually suggested that the person of inherent worth and dignity who ran that Yahoo! search *might* want to "Also try: emerson avenger blog, artistic avenger blog", especially since The Emerson Avenger blog was listed near the *bottom* of the first page of search results. It would seem that The Emerson Avenger has carved out a Big Fat U*U Niche for himself on the interconnected web of the internet. . .

Getting back to Captain America, especially the fact that Captain America is *also* known as (aka) "The First Avenger", The Emerson Avenger aka TEA aka The PenU*Ultimate Avenger hereby anticipates that there may be a few more visitors to his blog as a result of the release of the Captain America movie, in fact The Emerson Avenger can't help but notice some similarities between Captain America and your's truly as revealed in this Yahoo MovieTalk Review Roundup of 'Captain America: The First Avenger'

Brace yourselves U*Us. . . for The Emerson Avenger movie starring Robin Edgar ("Silliness & Fantasy") and directed by Ralph Waldo Emerson ("The Emerson Rocketeer"). The Emerson Avenger is one more character to come to life from the pages of shameful Unitarian*Universalist history.

The plot is set in 1996 and focuses on a scrawny theist who wants to celebrate Creation Day. A serum injected into the shrimp turns him into the Transcendentalist Super Hero dreaded U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger, a one-man fighting force aka Army Of One. :-)

The Emerson Avenger is not to be confused with the Artistic Avenger either, even if he *can* be quite artistic in his ever so virtual avenging of U*U injustices and abuses. The Emerson Avenger aka TEA takes note of the unusual online "coincidence" aka synchronicity that the Artistic Avenger's most recent blog post is about a TEA Party. . .
