Rev. Jake Morrill Believes That "The U*U Movement" Sets The Identity And Signals The Core Story And Mission Of Unitarian Universalism. . .

better than any clear statement of intent. ;-)

Butt don't take my word for it U*Us aka members in The U*U Movement, take Rev. Jake Morrill's word for it, as quoted from a comment that he posted to the -


blog post of Rev. Scott Wells' 'Boy In The Bands' blog.

I *do* hope that *feedback* was helpful to the ever so "Christian" Universalist U*U minister Rev. Scott Wells. :-)

Here is the full quote of what Thomas Jefferson District UUA Trustee (U*Ups! I mean what is *now* the UUA's Southeast District), and minister of Tennessee's Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church, Rev. Jake Bohstedt Morrill actually said -

Hey Scott,

I would love to attend a Universalist Christian church, and am glad you’re starting one (even if DC is too far to drive for me). My feedback is I’m wanting to hear an evocative name – the name sets the identity and signals the core story and mission better than any clear statement of intent, I believe. And I guess a sense of who are you in service to/with. A particular neighborhood? (Though I guess if you’re doing the non-local congregation, your mission isn’t necessarily a “neighborhood” church…) Anyway, I’ll be out here, eager to hear how things unfold….


Posted 03 Jul 2011 at 10:18 pm

Needless to say. . .

An alternative "evocative name" for The U*U Movement *could* be The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™. :-)

Full credit goes to current UUA President Peter Morales for dreaming up *that* ever so evocative name for the Unitarian Universalist religious community.


BillImports said…
Is there really a church for this yet? Im sorry cant find it anywhere within the blog.