UU Super Hero UUHULK Gets Asked A Big Fat U*U Question By The Transcendentalist Super Hero Currently Known As The Emerson Avenger

Apparently UUHULK "HATE ALL STUPID UU IN-JOKES AND ACRONYMS" and thinks that they are "NOT FUNNY". Needless to say The Emerson Avenger thinks that *some* U*U in-jokes, to say nothing of Big Fat U*U Acronyms, are really quite hilarious. Quite evidently The Emerson Avenger has long believed that resigned CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett's Big Fat U*U Acronym is *probably* the stupidest, and indeed the funniest. . . UU ACRONYM of them all, so I decided to ask UUHULK what HE*SHE thinks about Mary Bennett's rather fU*Ulish decision to use Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" to symbolize the self-vaunted "inclusiveness" of the tiny, declining, fringe religion currently known as The U*U Movement.

Thankfully UUHULK and The Emerson Avenger need not think alike to love alike. :-)

In her rather colourful, to say nothing of quite inane. . . official announcement of her Big Fat U*U Blunder former CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett dU*Uly noted that -

"You, Asterisk You! Sounds like an insult. . ."

The Emerson Avenger would like to ever so opportunistically take this Big Fat U*U Opportunity to point out to former CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett, and all other U*Us U*U World-wide, that -

You, Asshole You! (aka U * U)

definitely *is* an insult. :-)

Well that's *one* way to use all 140 characters of a Twitter post. :-)
