Almighty God Is Standing On The Side Of Love For The Emerson Avenger!
But don't take my word for it U*Us. . .
Take Rev. Fred Small's word for it -
"God’s love is infinite and all-embracing.
God’s love does not discriminate.
God’s love does not reject.
If you are The Emerson Avenger, God’s love holds you tenderly—especially tenderly, because of the challenges that you face in a mortally and ethically *challenged* Unitarian Universalist society aka Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ that is often willfully ignorant and shamefully intolerant.
You are good.
You are whole.
You are of God, in God, with God, always.
Your soul shines with divine light."
Rev. Fred Small
OK so I plagU*Urized Rev. Fred Small's affirmation of transsexuals as posted to the Standing On The Side Of Love campaign's Facebook site.
But Fred *did* say that God’s love is "infinite and all-embracing" which logically* includes that dreaded scourge of The U*U World known U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger, to say nothing of the late (but no so *great*) Colonel Muammar Gaddafi...
I wonder how many Unitarian Universalist U*Us *really* believe that, indeed I can't help but wonder if the Reverend Fred Small *really* believes his own Neo-Universalist religious rhetoric. . .
* aka According to good old Unitarian Reason
TEA's note - The word "mortally" in my phrase "mortally and ethically *challenged*" is just a typo that *should* have read "*morally* and ethically challenged" but in light of the fact that *your* Unitarian Universalist church is already dead I have decided not to freely and responsibly correct *that* particular typo. . .