TEA IS TBTF i.e. The Emerson Avenger Is Too Big To Fail To Expose & Denounce UUA Negligence Towards & Complicity In U*U Clergy Abuse & Misconduct etc.

UUA Trustees Charlie King, Rev. Susan Ritchie & UUA "status quota" fulfilling token "Person Of Color" Rev. Clyde Grubbs standing on the side of *love* by doing absolutely nothing to work towards responsibly reforming the Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee's seriously flawed & "less than adequate" MFC Rules and providing some real and tangible restorative justice for ALL victims of ALL forms of UU clergy misconduct (to say nothing of not working on TOO MANY other BIG FAT U*U PROBLEMS) happily grandstanding at Occupy Boston when they *could* be, and *should* be. . . working on all manner of neglected and ignored UUA Board of Trustees business on Saturday October 22, 2011.

UUA Board of Trustees First *Vice* Moderator Jackie Shanti inadvertently exposes how UUA & MFC negligence towards, and knowing & willful complicity in. . . abusive UU clergy misconduct creates "collateral damage" in the form of numerous people who are indirectly harmed not only by ALL manner of UU clergy misconduct but UUA & MFC complicity therein.

UUA Trustee Rev. Catherine Cullen inadvertently helps The Emerson Avenger speak Truth to UUA abuse of power at Occupy Boston, when she *should* be working on irresponsibly neglected and ignored UUA Board of Trustees business on Saturday October 22nd, 2011

UUA Trustees Pat Manley and Joan Lund neglecting UUA Board of Trustees work by getting their obligatory Occupy Boston Photo-Op for UUA propaganda & publicity purposes, instead of actually doing some long overdue "Peace Work" such as responsibly reforming the UUA's "less than perfect" clergy misconduct policies and procedures and working toward providing genuine restorative justice for ALL victims of intolerant and abusive or otherwise "less than professional" UU "religious professionals" aka misconducting ministers. . .
