Pope Benedict XVI's @Pontifex Twitter Account And Unitarian Universalist Ministers Engaging In Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape - What's The Connection?

Minutes ago my email notification of new Huffington Post articles brought it to my attention that that Pope Benedict XVI has set up a Twitter account using the screenname @Pontifex.

Here is the HuffPost article in question -

 Pope Joins Twitter: Benedict XVI's Screenname Will Be @Pontifex

So I decided to send Pope Benedict XVI some helpful advice about how The Vatican can deal with upstart Canadian bloggers who might happen to be blogging about Roman Catholic clergy engaging in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape if it so chooses. . .

Without further ado here is the full text of the (im)pertinent "electronic communication" aka Tweet that I sent to Pope Benedict XVI's @Pontifex Twitter account minutes ago -

 If a  blogs about RC priests engaging in  &  you can accuse them of  like  
Here is the obligatory screenshot of said Tweet -

And here is the Big Fat U*U Cue that Pope Benedict XVI and*or The Vatican can take from the Unitarian Universalist Association and Stikeman Elliott attorney Maitre Marc-André Coulombe if he*they should so choose. I expect however that Pope Benedict XVI aka @Pontifex and The Vatican will wisely refrain from choosing *that* Big Fat U*U Fate. . .
