Rev. Andy Pakula Is Messaging the UU World About Messaging The Real World Using Social Media. . .
In a recent blog post entitled 'Messaging the World: Social Media' on the Growing Unitarian Universalism blog that is sponsored by the UUA's Office of Growth Strategies, British Unitarian Andy Pakula aka Rev. Dr. Andrew Pakula, the bipastoral minister of New Unity, in Islington; and Newington Green Unitarian Church in North London, advises Unitarian Universalists about how to get their Big Fat U*U Message across to the real world in an effective manner using various forms of social media such as Big Fat U*U Blogs and the more agile, fast-moving social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and more. . .
As a Unitarian Universalist minister whose @apakula Twitter account currently boasts almost 22,000 followers and just over 3000 Tweets Rev. Andy Pakula has a certain amount of authority and gravitas attached to his Big Fat U*U Advice about using social media. Of course The Emerson Avenger is no slouch when it comes to the use of social media to get out *his* Big Fat U*U Messages about Unitarian Universalist injustices, abuses and hypocrisy and could provide some helpful advice to U*Us U*U World-wide in that Big Fat U*U Domain himself. . . Indeed The Emerson Avenger takes note of the fact that Rev. Andy Pakula somehow failed to mention that remarkably U*Useful social media website known U*U World-wide as U*UTube. . .
Without further ado here are the two brand spanking new comments that The Emerson Avenger just posted in response to Rev. Pakula's 'Messaging the World' blog post -
Here is the obligatory screenshot of my comments that are unlikely to be posted to the UUA controlled and "moderated" aka censored Growing Unitarian Universalism blog -
As a Unitarian Universalist minister whose @apakula Twitter account currently boasts almost 22,000 followers and just over 3000 Tweets Rev. Andy Pakula has a certain amount of authority and gravitas attached to his Big Fat U*U Advice about using social media. Of course The Emerson Avenger is no slouch when it comes to the use of social media to get out *his* Big Fat U*U Messages about Unitarian Universalist injustices, abuses and hypocrisy and could provide some helpful advice to U*Us U*U World-wide in that Big Fat U*U Domain himself. . . Indeed The Emerson Avenger takes note of the fact that Rev. Andy Pakula somehow failed to mention that remarkably U*Useful social media website known U*U World-wide as U*UTube. . .
Without further ado here are the two brand spanking new comments that The Emerson Avenger just posted in response to Rev. Pakula's 'Messaging the World' blog post -
- “They use insider language, talk about things that only we are likely to know about, and are put in the sort of language that UUs/Unitarians tend to use. If the intention of those messages is to reach non-UUs/Unitarians, those messages are poorly considered indeed.”Here is a blog post that reproduces a wonderful example of a very poorly considered Unitarian Universalist message indeed. . . One that uses insider language, talks about things that only Unitarian Universalist clergy and UUA leaders are likely to know about, and is put in the sort of legalistic language that the UUA leaders of UUs/Unitarians tend to use.Well except for that hilarious use of the phrase “blasphemous libel”. . .
- Oops!I had so much fun writing that comment that I completely forgot to provided the URL for the appropriate blog post on the ever so interconnected and indeed interdependent web of the internet.
Here is the obligatory screenshot of my comments that are unlikely to be posted to the UUA controlled and "moderated" aka censored Growing Unitarian Universalism blog -