Rev. Jeff Liebmann And Unitarian Universalist Bigotry - What's The Connection?

How about this plagU*Urized version of Rev. Jeff Liebman's brand-spanking new blog posts entitled 'Truth and Meaning: Bigotry'?

Like The Emerson Avenger, U*U Rev. Jeff Liebmann grew up watching the television show 'All in the Family'. Viewers learned firsthand about bigotry by listening to outrageous statements from Archie Bunker. Public figures are once again making similar statements. Sadly, these are not shock media pundits, but elected officials of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations such as UUA President Rev. Peter Morales, and "less than perfect" U*U clergy including but not limited to Rev. Ray Drennan, Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein, and Rev. Cynthia P. Cain. Surprisingly, these U*Us are shocked when they are subsequently called Big Fat U*U Bigots by The Emerson Avenger. . .

A Big Fat U*U Bigot is a Unitarian Universalist person who regards members of a group, or indeed individual persons of inherent worth and dignity, with hatred and intolerance based on unproven prejudices. So, with no apologies whatsoever to Rev. Jeff Liebmann, I offer the following list as a possible guide to UUA politicians and U*U clergy.

  • If you believe that a person’s inherent capacity for intelligence, productivity, or violence is connected to their religious beliefs, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot.
  • If you suppose that the current gap in salaries between underpaid U*U clergy and U*U clergy earning over $100k per annum simply reflects free market economics, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot.
  • If you think that blogging about "less than perfect" Unitarian Universalist clergy who have engaged in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape has a logical connection to the archaic crime of blasphemous libel, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot, or a "less than bright" Stikeman Elliott litigation lawyer.
  • If you believe that any one "tiny, declining, fringe religion" which has Big Fat U*U Aspirations to be "THE Religion For Our Time" has a monopoly on morality, and that most or ALL other "old religions" are nothing but "obsolete religions created for another time" that only "contribute to the darkness" of "hatred, injustice, prejudice, ignorance", and "lead to tribalism, violence, suspicion, hatred, and oppression", then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot known U*U World-wide as UUA President Rev. Peter Morales. . .
  • If you consider another group’s culture as subhuman and/or inherently inferior to your own, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot.
  • If you believe that anal rape aka "less than consensual" sodomy is acceptable, justified, or deserved in any imaginable situation, such as Rev. Victoria Weinstein's Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy which obsecenely, viciously, and indeed just a tad Sadistically, imagined "South Dakota state senator Bill Napoli anally impaled of the Statue of Liberty's torch" then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot known as former UUA Congregational Services Director Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris or former Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee Executive Secretary Rev. Beth Miller, to say nothing of UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen `Kay Montgomery and of course Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler herself. . .
  • If you automatically connect The Emerson Avenger's blog posts about U*U pedophile rapists with the archaic crime of blasphemous libel, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot not too mention a Big Fat U*U Hypocrite, or indeed a boneheadedly stupid U*U idiot. . .
  • If you believe that U*Us have the right to make dental decisions for other people based on their personal religious beliefs, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot.
  • If you imagine that anyone chooses to be homeless, or addicted to criticizing U*U injustices and abuses, or poor, or a victim of Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse, then you might be a Big Fat U*U Bigot.
There is nothing wrong with having Big Fat U*U Convictions. What is wrong is for U*Us to willfully choose to remain blissfully ignorant to readily verifiable facts, scientific and historic research, and good old Unitarian Reason and in using your poorly informed Big Fat U*U Convictions to unjustly and abusively judge other people, to misuse and abuse Canadian laws and UU bylaws etc. to restrict other people’s human rights, and to presume that your unsubstantiated personal "Truth" aka Big Fat U*U Delusion must be applied to others. Big Fat U*U Bigotry is not terminal unless perhaps you happen to anally impale yourself on your own words. It is a treatable condition, even if the UUA and MFC and other foolish U*Us refuse to treat it when bigoted "foot-in-mouth" disease breaks out amongst "less than tolerant" U*U clergy. To paraphrase that politically incorrect and increasingly unwelcome "famous Unitarian" Thomas Jefferson -
Big Fat U*U Bigotry is the disease of Big Fat U*U Ignorance, and education, such as by The Emerson Avenger teaching U*Us Big Fat U*U Lessons such as this one right here. . . is the Big Fat U*U Antidote.
